Cards can be used to create targeted or automated App Inbox/NewsFeed messages that can be grouped into various categories and target users with different updates/offers that can stay in the Inbox/Feed over a designated period. For more information, refer to Cards.
SDK Installation
Pass the Cards config in the SDK initialization script as shown below:
Moengage = moe({
app_id: moeAppID,
debug_logs: 0,
cards: {
enable: true,
placeholder: '#cardIcon' // CSS selector of inbox icon
is the icon on click of which the inbox will open. Make sure it is provided by you and it exist in the DOM.
UI Customizations
SDK provides a set of UI customizations that can overwrite the default values. Refer to the code snippet below for the UI customizations.
Moengage = moe({
app_id: moeAppID,
debug_logs: 0,
cards: {
enable: true,
placeholder: "#cardIcon", // CSS selector of inbox icon
backgroundColor: "#F6FBFC", // any valid CSS color format
overLayColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)",
fontFaces: [{
family: "Sofia",
url: ""
}, {
family: "Audiowide",
url: ""
cardDismiss: {
color: "#db2828", // any valid CSS color format
enable: false // boolean value, which enable the dismiss option.
optionButtonColor: "#C4C4C4", // any valid CSS color format
dateTimeColor: "#8E8E8E", // any valid CSS color format
unclickedCardIndicatorColor: "blue", // any valid CSS color format
pinIcon: "", // absolute path to the icon image.
refreshIcon: "", // absolute path to the icon image.
navigationBar: {
backgroundColor: "#00237C", // any valid CSS color format
text: "Notifications", // string. eg, Notifications
color: "#fff", // any valid CSS color format
fontSize: "16px", // any valid CSS size format
fontFamily: "", // any font family which is added to the website
closeButton: {
webIcon: "",
mWebIcon: "",
tab: {
active: {
color: "#06A6B7",
underlineColor: "#06A6B7",
backgroundColor: "transparent"
inactiveTabFontColor: "#7C7C7C",
fontSize: "14px", // any valid CSS size format
fontFamily: "", // any font family which is added to the website
backgroundColor: "#fff", // any valid CSS color format
webFloating: {
enable: false, // false by default
icon: "", // absolute path to the icon image. by default, our icon will be used.
postion: "0px 10px 40px 0", // need all 4 offset in proper CSS format in the order of top, right, bottom, left.
countBackgroundColor: "#FF5A5F",
countColor: "#fff",
iconBackgroundColor: "#D9DFED",
fontFamily: "Audiowide"
mWebFloating: {
enable: false, // false by default
icon: "", // absolute path to the icon image. by default, our icon will be used.
postion: "0px 10px 40px 0", // need all 4 offset in proper CSS format in the order of top, right, bottom, left.
countBackgroundColor: "#FF5A5F",
countColor: "#fff",
iconBackgroundColor: "#D9DFED",
fontFamily: "Audiowide"
card: {
headerFontSize: "16px",
descriptionFontSize: "14px",
ctaFontSize: "12px",
fontFamily: "inherit",
horizontalRowColor: "#D9DFED"
noDataContent: {
img: "",
text: "No notifications to show, check again later.",
Unclicked Count
The SDK provides an API to fetch the number of cards that haven't been clicked by the users. To get the count, use the following API.
<script type="text/javascript"> => {
console.log(unclickedCardCount); // unclickedCardCount is in Number format
New Card Count
The SDK provides an API to get the new cards for the user on the device. To get the count, use the following API.
<script type="text/javascript"> => {
console.log(newCardCount); // newCardCount is in Number format
The SDK provides the following callbacks:
Inbox Open Callback
To get a callback when the user clicks on the inbox icon and when the inbox is open, register the callback function to the setInboxOpenListener() method as shown below.
<script type="text/javascript">{
console.log('Inbox is opened.')
Inbox Close Callback
To get a callback when the user closes the inbox, register the callback function to the setInboxCloseListener() method as shown below.
<script type="text/javascript">{
console.log('Inbox is closed.')
Card Click Callback
To get a callback when the user clicks on a card, register the callback function to
<script type="text/javascript">{
console.log('Card clicked: ', cardId)