Actionable Notifications

Actionable notifications let you add custom action buttons to the standard iOS push notifications. It also gives the user a quick and easy way to perform relevant tasks in response to a notification. 

How to implement Actionable Notifications?

Define a category

To use actionable notifications with MoEngage SDK, you have to define the actions, group them into categories, as shown in the example, and pass them as a parameter while registering for push notifications.

Swift Objective-C
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate{

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        //--- Rest of Implementation
        //For registering for remote notification
        let categories = self.getCategories()
        MoEngageSDKMessaging.sharedInstance.registerForRemoteNotification(withCategories: categories, andUserNotificationCenterDelegate: appDelegate)
        //--- Rest of Implementation
        return true
    //Example to define categories
    //This method gives categories
    func getCategories() -> Set<UNNotificationCategory>{
        let acceptAction = UNNotificationAction.init(identifier: "ACCEPT_IDENTIFIER", title: "Accept", options: .authenticationRequired)
        let declineAction = UNNotificationAction.init(identifier: "DECLINE_IDENTIFIER", title: "Decline", options: .destructive)
        let maybeAction = UNNotificationAction.init(identifier: "MAYBE_IDENTIFIER", title: "May Be", options: .foreground)
        let inviteCategory = UNNotificationCategory.init(identifier: "INVITE_CATEGORY", actions: [acceptAction,declineAction,maybeAction], intentIdentifiers: [], options: .customDismissAction)
        let categoriesSet = Set.init([inviteCategory])
        return categoriesSet;

Notification Categories

MoEngage recommended not to change the actions grouped in a category across the app versions, as it will lead to users seeing different actions for the same category across different app versions.



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