Install Tracking


Install attribution tracking is a great way to improve your initial relationship with your user. Knowing how, where, and even more importantly, why a user installs your app allows you to get a better understanding of who your user is and how you should introduce them to your app.

API Details

You can use our APIs to seamlessly provide MoEngage with install data. These APIs allow you to track the install attribution data in MoEngage, which you can then use to enhance your marketing automation campaigns on MoEngage.  

API Endpoint

MoEngage hosts each customer in a different data center; you can find your data center number (value of X) by checking the data center and API endpoint mapping here. Replace the value of 'X' in the URL based on your DataCenter.

Query Parameters 

Key Value
publisher_name Publisher name of the install
campaign_name Campaign name of the install
src partner name 
appId Workspace ID of your MoEngage account. You can find this by navigating to Settings -> General Settings
advertising_id (for android only) Google Advertising Id of the device on which Install was detected
idfv (for iOS only) IDFV of the iOS device on which Install was detected
appAttributionKey Available on MoEngage dashboard by navigating to Settings -> Analytics -> Attribution

Example URLs

We have provided you with some examples of how the URL will look. Please replace the values before you can insert them into your attribution provider.


Sample URL<publisher_name_of_install>&campaign_name=<campaign_name_of_install>&src=<partner_name>&appId=<ENTER_Workspace_ID_HERE>&advertising_id=<device_GAID>&appAttributionKey=<ENTER_APP_KEY_HERE>


Sample URL<publisher_name_of_install>&campaign_name=<campaign_name_of_install>&src=<partner_name>&appId=<ENTER_Workspace_ID_HERE>&idfv=<device_idfv>&appAttributionKey=<ENTER_APP_KEY_HERE>





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