info |
Note This API is supported from moengage_flutter version 6.1.0 and is only available for the Android platform and it will throw UnImplementedError error in other platforms |
To delete the current user from the MoEngage server use the deleteUser() method as shown below, where you will get an instance of UserDeletionData.
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter(<YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID>);
// Below method will return an instance of <Future<UserDeletionData>>
_moengagePlugin.deleteUser().then((value) {
// Add your code to handle the callback.
}).catchError((onError) {
// Add your code to handle the Error.
For more information, please refer to the API documentation.