User Attributes are pieces of information you know about a user which could be demographics like age or gender, account-specific like plan, or even things like whether a user has seen a particular A/B test variation. It's up to you! It is basically a customer identity that you can reference across the customer’s whole lifetime.
Implementing Login/Logout
- It's important to set the User Attribute Unique ID when a user logs into your app.
- This is to merge the new user with the existing user, if any exists, and will help prevent creation of unnecessary/stale users.
- Setting the Unique ID is a critical piece to tie a user across devices and installs/uninstalls as well across all platforms (i.e. iOS, Android, Windows, The Web). Set the USER_ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_ID attribute as soon as the user is logged in. Unique ID can be something like an email ID, a username (unique), or a database ID or any Backend generated ID.
- Do not set this for the user who not logged in.
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter(YOUR_APP_ID);
_moengagePlugin.setUniqueId("Unique ID");
Note: The following values are not allowed in the UniqueID field: "unknown", "guest", "null", "0", "1", "true", "false", "user_attribute_unique_id", "(empty)", "na", "n/a", "", "dummy_seller_code", "user_id", "id", "customer_id", "uid", "userid", "none", "-2", "-1", "2"
The application needs to notify the MoEngage SDK whenever the user is logged out of the application. To notify the SDK, call the API whenever the user is logged out of the application.
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter(YOUR_Workspace_ID);
_moengagePlugin.setUniqueId("Unique ID");