User attributes are specific traits of a user, like an email, username, mobile, gender, etc.
This is crucial and helps in targeting users based on these attributes across devices or installs.
Implementing Login / Logout Mechanism for a User
Setting Unique ID in order to Login User :
- It's important to set the unique identifier when a user logs into your app. This is to unify the new user with an existing user, if any exists, and will help prevent creating unnecessary/stale users.
- Setting the Unique ID is a critical piece to tie a user across devices and installs/uninstalls as well across all platforms (i.e. iOS, Android, Windows, The Web). Set the attribute as soon as the user is logged in. A unique Identifier can be something like an email ID, a username (unique), or a database ID or any Backend generated identifier which can be used to uniquely identify the user.
- Do not set this for the user who not logged in.
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
_moengagePlugin.setUniqueId("Unique ID");
Note: The following values are not allowed in the UniqueID field: "unknown", "guest", "null", "0", "1", "true", "false", "user_attribute_unique_id", "(empty)", "na", "n/a", "", "dummy_seller_code", "user_id", "id", "customer_id", "uid", "userid", "none", "-2", "-1", "2"
Notifying the user when the user logs out of the app
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
Updating Unique Identifier
In a scenario where you have to update the Unique Identifier value for an already logged-in user use setAlias()
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
_moengagePlugin.setAlias("Updated Unique ID");
warning |
Critical Please make sure that you use |
Tracking User Attributes
To track user attributes line First Name, Last Name, email, phone number, etc use the below APIs
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
_moengagePlugin.setUserName("User Name");
_moengagePlugin.setGender(MoEGender.male); // Supported values also include MoEGender.female OR MoEGender.other
_moengagePlugin.setLocation(new MoEGeoLocation(23.1, 21.2)); // Pass coordinates with MoEGeoLocation instance
_moengagePlugin.setBirthDate("2000-12-02T08:26:21.170Z"); // date format - ` yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff'Z'`
Tracking Custom User Attributes:
For setting other custom user attributes you can use generic method setUserAttribute(key,value)
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
_moengagePlugin.setUserAttribute(key, value);
Tracking Date as user attributes:
To track any date as user attributes use the setUserAttributeIsoDate()
. This API takes attribute name and ISO Date as input.
Date Format - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff'Z'
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
_moengagePlugin.setUserAttributeIsoDate("timeStamp", "2019-12-02T08:26:21.170Z")
Tracking Location as user attributes: (Not available for Web)
To track any location as user attributes use the setUserAttributeLocation()
. This API takes the attribute name and an instance of MoEGeoLocation for coordinates as input.
import 'package:moengage_flutter/moengage_flutter.dart';
final MoEngageFlutter _moengagePlugin = MoEngageFlutter();
_moengagePlugin.setUserAttributeLocation("locationAttr", new MoEGeoLocation(72.8, 53.2));