JavaScript Bridge for HTML In-Apps

HTML in-app messages for Android support a bridge interface for web apps to interact with the MoEngage SDK.

The bridge contains a set of APIs that can be accessed using a global variable moengage.

The below table lists all the JS Bridge methods and in the subsequent sections, each API is explained in detail.

Method Name Description
moengage.dismissMessage() Attach this method on your template for closing the in-app message
moengage.navigateToScreen("screen-name", "optional-data-json") Use this method to navigate the user to a specific screen on click of a template element. Params:
"screen-name" : name of the screen for redirection
"optional-data-json" : additional key value pairs
moengage.openDeepLink("deeplink-url", "optional-data-json") Use this method when you want to open a deeplink from your html in-app template
"deeplink-url" : deeplink url
"optional-data-json" : additional key value pairs
moengage.openRichLanding("richlanding-url", "optional-data-json") Use this method when you want to open a URL inside the app's webview
"richlanding-url" : url that you want to open
"optional-data-json" : additional key value pairs
moengage.openWebURL("web-url", "optional-data-json"). Use this method when you want to open a URL on the app's default browser
"web-url" : url that you want to open
"optional-data-json" : additional key value pairs
moengage.copyText("text-to-copy", "message") Use this method to copy a coupon code or offer code from your html in-app template to clipboard
"text-to-copy": This text will be copied to clipboard
"optional-message": This message will be shown after copy"mobile-number") Use this method to initiate a call from your html in-app template
"mobile-number": This number will appear in the dialer
moengage.sms("mobile-number", "message") Use this method to initiate an sms from your html in-app template
"mobile-number": SMS will be sent to this
"message": This message will be sent as the SMS
moengage.share("share-text") Use this method to initiate the share action via any of the available apps on the device.
moengage.customAction("data-json") Use this method to initiate a custom action defined by your app.
"data-json": key value pairs
moengage.showPushOptIn() This only for iOS and based on current notification status, either the notification permission pop is shown or will be taken to settings screen where notification status can be updated.
moengage.navigateToSettings() Use this method to navigate to the settings screen of the device
moengage.trackEvent(eventName, generalAttrJson) Use this method to track an event from html in-app template
"eventName" : Name of the tracked event
"generalAttrJson" : Event attributes that will be tracked along with the event
moengage.trackClick("widgetId") Use this method to track clicks stats for campaign performance measurement.
"widgetId": This is an optional argument and if passed will help populate the click distribution table. Effective when you have multiple CTAs in a single template
moengage.trackDismiss() Use this method to track dismiss stats for campaign performance measurement and identifying users who dismiss the in-app message
moengage.setEmailId("value") Use this method to capture the email_id of your users. This will be saved in user profile automatically and can be used to send email campaigns.
You can use this with your lead generation / signup forms.
"value" : This is the email_id of the user
moengage.setMobileNumber("value") Use this method to capture the mobile number of your users. This will be saved in user profile automatically and can be used to send SMS campaigns.
You can use this method with your lead generation / signup forms.
"value" : This is the mobile number of the user
moengage.setUserName("value") Use this method to capture the Name of your users. This will be saved in user profile automatically.
You can use this method with your lead generation / signup forms.
"value" : This is the username of the user
moengage.setFirstName("value") Use this method to capture the First Name of your users. This will be saved in user profile automatically.
You can use this method with your lead generation / signup forms.
"value" : This is the first name of the user
moengage.setLastName("value") Use this method to capture the Last Name of your users. This will be saved in user profile automatically.
You can use this method with your lead generation / signup forms.
"value" : This is the last name of the user
moengage.setUniqueId() Use this method to set the Client ID of your users.
moengage.setAlias() Use this method to update the existing Client ID of your users.
moengage.setGender() Use this method to set the Gender of your users.
moengage.setBirthDate() Use this method to set the Birthdate of your users.
moengage.setUserLocation( lat,lng ) Use this method to set the Location (lat,lng) of your users.
moengage.setUserAttribute(name,value) Use this method to set custom attributes of your users when data type of the attribute is string, numeric or boolean.
name : Name of the user attribute to be tracked
value : Value of the tracked user attribute.
moengage.setUserAttributeDate(name,value) Use this method to set custom attributes of your users when data type of the attribute is date
name : Name of the user attribute to be tracked
value : Value of the tracked user attribute in ISO 8601 format
moengage.setUserAttributeLocation(name,lat,lng) Use this method to set custom attributes of your users when data type of the attribute is location
name : Name of the user attribute to be tracked
lat,lng : Location of the user
moengage.trackRating() Use this method to capture the rating of your users from a rating template.

The subsequent sections provide more details on how to use each API. The provided JS Methods are classified into two categories - JS Methods for Actions and JS Methods for Data Tracking


The following sections will provide more details on the JS Methods for actions.


JS Methods for Actions

Integrate the JS Methods for Actions with your HTML Template to execute on-click actions like message close, navigation actions like re-direction to screens or webpages, or any other actions as supported with in-app campaigns.

Dismiss In-App Message

To dismiss in-app messages use moengage.dismissMessage() API.



Do not use other API when the moengage.dismissMessage() API is in use.

Navigation Actions

Navigate to Screen

You can open a screen using moengage.navigateToScreen(<screen-name>, <optional-data-json>).

var screenName = "com.moengage.sampleapp.ui.activity.MainActivity";
// Optionally add data json object
var attributes = {
  "nav_screen_attr1": "val1",
  "nav_screen_attr2": 100,
  "nav_screen_attr3": 123.11,
  "nav_screen_attr4": true
moengage.navigateToScreen(value, attributes);

Open Deeplink URL

To open a deeplink URL use moengage.openDeepLink(<deeplink-url>, <optional-data-json>).

var value = "moengage://testdeeplink/testActivity";
// Optionally add data json object
var attributes = {
  "nav_screen_attr1": "val1",
  "nav_screen_attr2": 100,
  "nav_screen_attr3": 123.11,
  "nav_screen_attr4": true
moengage.openDeepLink(value, attributes);

Open Richlanding Screen

To open a Richlanding screen use moengage.openRichLanding(<richlanding-url>, <data-json>).

var value = "";
// Optionally add data json object
var attributes = {
  "nav_screen_attr1": "val1",
  "nav_screen_attr2": 100,
  "nav_screen_attr3": 123.11,
  "nav_screen_attr4": true
moengage.openRichLanding(value, attributes);

Open Web URL

To open a URL in a web browser use moengage.openWebURL(<web-url>, <optional-data-json>).

var value = "";
// Optionally add data json object
var attributes = {
  "nav_screen_attr1": "val1",
  "nav_screen_attr2": 100,
  "nav_screen_attr3": 123.11,
  "nav_screen_attr4": true
moengage.openWebURL(value, attributes);

Copy Text to Clipboard

To copy text to clipboard use moengage.copyText(<text-to-copy>, <message>) API.

moengage.copyText("COUPON100", "Rs.100 OFF!");


To perform call action use<mobile-number> API.



To send an SMS use moengage.sms(<mobile-number>, <message>) API.

moengage.sms("1234567890", "Hi There!");


To share a string content use moengage.share(<share-text>) API.

moengage.share("Content to share");

Custom Action

To perform custom action set the data using moengage.customAction(<data-json>) API.

var attributes = {
  "attr1": "val1",
  "attr2": 100,
  "attr3": 123.11,
  "attr4": {
    "int": 30

Data Tracking

The following sections will provide more details on the JS Methods for data tracking.


JS Methods for Data Tracking

You would need to integrate the JS Methods for Data Tracking in your template for the following use-cases:

  • Tracking stats (clicks, close)
  • Tracking events (for surveys, rating, lead gen)
  • Tracking user attributes (for lead gen, signup etc.)

Track Event

To track an event use moengage.trackEvent(eventName, generalAttrJson, locationAttrJson, dateAttrJson, isNonInteractive, shouldAttachCampaignMeta) API.

The trackEvent() takes in up to six parameters.

  • eventName : String
  • generalAttrJson : JSON Object for general attributes. Accepted data types are string, float, boolean, int, JSON objects.
      " <attribute_name >": " <attribute_value >",
      " <attribute_name >": " <attribute_value >",
  • locationAttrJson : JSON Object for location attributes. Accepts attribute name and latitude and longitude
      " <attribute_name >": {
        "latitude":  <latitude >,
        "longitude":  <longitude >
      " <attribute_name >": {
        "latitude":  <latitude >,
        "longitude":  <longitude >
  • dateAttrJson : JSON Object for date-time attributes. Accepts only ISO-8601 format dates
      " <attribute_name >": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff'Z'",
      " <attribute_name >": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff'Z'",
  • isNonInteractive: true if you want the event to be non-interactive, else false.
  • shouldAttachMetaData: true if you want to attach campaign metadata to the event, else false.


    Apart from the eventName parameter, other parameters are non-mandatory you can pass {}.
    It is important to maintain the order in which parameters are passed, i.e. if you want to pass only the location attributes general attribute should be passed {}.

    For general cases, you would just be passing the event-name and event-attributes JSON and in this case you can skip the other params. A method for this case would be like - moengage.trackEvent(Response_Submitted,{"response1":"","response2":"approved"})

Track Click Event

To track widget click events use moengage.trackClick(widgetId) API. The <widgetId> can be int or string, otherwise, the click event will not be tracked.

//track click event

Track Dismiss

To track the in-app dismissal use moengage.trackDismiss() API.


Track Default User Attributes

The following JavaScript methods are available for tracking default user attributes.

API name API Description
moengage.setAlias() Update user's unique id which was previously set by `moengage.setUniqueId()
moengage.setUniqueId() Set user UniqueId
moengage.setUserName() Set user name
moengage.setFirstName() Set user first name
moengage.setLastName() Set user last name
moengage.setEmailId() Set user email-id
moengage.setMobileNumber() Set user mobile number
moengage.setGender() Set user gender ("male"/"female"/"other")
moengage.setBirthDate() Set user birthday
NOTE: the value must be ISO-8601 format dates.
moengage.setUserLocation(, ) Set user location
moengage.trackRating() Track user input action rating


// Set alias            
// Set UniqueId
// Set user name        
moengage.setUserName("John Doe");
// Set user first name
//Set user last name                     
// Set Email id                    
// Set mobile number
// Set User gender
// Set user birthday    
//Set user location       
moengage.setUserLocation(3.0539652, 77.672683);     
// Set rating value       

Track Custom user attributes

The following JavaScript methods are available for tracking custom user attributes.

API name API description
moengage.setUserAttribute(, ) Set custom user attribute
moengage.setUserAttributeDate(, ) Set custom user date
moengage.setUserAttributeLocation(, , ) Set custom user location


// Set custom user attribute
moengage.setUserAttribute("int", 100);
moengage.setUserAttribute("float", 10.5);
moengage.setUserAttribute("String", "test");
moengage.setUserAttribute("Boolean", true);

//Set custom date attribute
moengage.setUserAttributeDate("Date1", "2017-08-02T06:05:30.000Z");

//Set custom user location
moengage.setUserAttributeLocation("Location 1", 3.0539652, 77.672683);



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