info |
Information For privacy manifest support on iOS, please make sure that you are on Capacitor SDK Version 3.3.0 or above and iOS SDK Version 9.16.2 or above. Want to know more about privacy manifest ? Refer this link |
Core 5.0.0
- Removed peer dependency from package.json
- Android
- Removed version catalog dependency
- moe-android-sdk version updated to 13.04.00
inapp version updated to 8.5.0
Added support for AGP 8.4.0 and above
Kotlin version updated to 1.9.23
Compile SDK version updated to 34
Added support for tracking custom boolean attributes in two formats: 0/1 and TRUE/FALSE Refer to the documentation for more information.
info Custom Boolean Attribute Tracking in iOS.
Updating to this version of the SDK will cause MoEngage to start tracking custom user attributes in Boolean syntax as TRUE/FALSE instead of the current 1/0 for iOS devices. This may affect your segmentation and trigger conditions.
In this version, you now have the flexibility to choose how to track custom user attributes with boolean data types. By default, iOS will align with the Android tracking method using TRUE/FALSE. However, you still have the option to continue using the existing 1/0 tracking method if it better suits your campaign requirements.
We recommend migrating to the new TRUE/FALSE method for consistency across platforms. However, we understand that you may have specific use cases where the 1/0 tracking method is preferred. To set your preference, please refer to the custom attribute tracking section in our developer documentation.
- MoEngage-iOS-SDK dependency updated to 9.18.1
Geofence 5.0.0
- Removed peer dependency from package.json
- Removed version catalog dependency
- `geofence`version updated to`4.2.0`
- Added support for AGP`8.4.0`and above
- Kotlin version updated to`1.9.23`
- Compile SDK version updated to `34`
- MoEngageGeofence SDK version updated to 5.17.1
Core 4.1.0
warning |
Warning Updating to this version of the SDK will cause MoEngage to start tracking custom user attributes in Boolean syntax as TRUE/FALSE instead of the current 1/0 for iOS devices. This may have an effect to your segmentation and trigger conditions. If you wish to continue with the current 1/0 system, we recommend to skip upgrading this version, this will be configurable from 5.0.0 onwards. |
- Support for forcing SDK to a specific MoEngage Environment
- Android
- moe-android-sdk version updated to 13.02.00
- inapp version updated to 8.3.1
Geofence 4.1.0
- geofence version updated to 4.0.2
- MoEngageGeofence SDK version updated to ~>5.16.0
Core 4.0.0
warning |
Warning Updating to this version of the SDK will cause MoEngage to start tracking custom user attributes in Boolean syntax as TRUE/FALSE instead of the current 1/0 for iOS devices. This may have an effect to your segmentation and trigger conditions. If you wish to continue with the current 1/0 system, we recommend to skip upgrading this version, this will be configurable from 5.0.0 onwards. |
- Capacitor 6 support
- Send SelfHandled InApp Callback when data is null
- Android
- Support for catalog version 4.1.4. Refer to release notes.
- Removed Support for PushAmpPlus due to MI Push service shutdown.
- iOS
- Support for iOS SDK version 9.17.0 and above. Refer to release notes for more details.
Geofence 3.3.0
- Capacitor 6 support
- Android
- Support for catalog version 4.1.4. Refer to release notes.
- iOS
- MoEngageGeofence SDK dependency updated to 5.16.0 and above. Refer to release notes for more details
Core 3.3.0
- iOS
- Support for iOS SDK version 9.16.1 and above. Refer to release notes for more details.
Geofence 3.3.0
- iOS
- MoEngageGeofence SDK dependency updated to 5.15.0 and above.Refer to release notes for more details
Core 3.2.0
- Updated the dependency to MoEngage-iOS-SDK 9.15.0
Geofence 3.2.0
MoEngageGeofence SDK version updated to 5.14.0.
Core 3.1.0
- Android
- Support for android-dependency-catalog version 3.2.1, refer to the release notes for more details.
- Google Policy - API to delete User details.
- Android 14 policy updates.
- Updated the dependency to MoEngage-iOS-SDK 9.13.0
Geofence 3.1.0
- Android
- Support for android-dependency-catalog version 3.2.1, refer to the release notes for more details.
MoEngageGeofence SDK version updated to 5.12.0.
Core 3.0.0
- Migrated from Capacitor 4 to Capacitor 5
- Updated Target SDK version & Compile SDK version to 33
- MoEngageGeofence dependency updated to 9.11.0.
Geofence 3.0.0
- Migrated from Capacitor 4 to Capacitor 5
- Updated Target SDK version & Compile SDK version to 33
- MoEngageGeofence dependency updated to 5.11.0.
Core 2.2.1
- Android
- Bugfix
- Self-handled callback not working for test InApp and event-triggered InApp.
- Bugfix
Core v2.2.0 (28-02-2023)
- Android
- Support for Android 13 push notification Opt-in with rationale via In-Apps.
- Device Id enable/disable support
Geofence v2.2.0 (28-02-2023)
- Android
- configureGeofence() is deprecated.Use startGeofenceMonitoring() stopGeofenceMonitoring() in the Geofence module.
- iOS
Support for stopGeofenceMonitoring() API.
Core v2.1.0 (15-02-2023)
- iOS
- MoEngage-iOS-SDK dependency updated to 9.4.0
Geofence v2.1.0 (15-02-2023)
- iOS
- MoEngageGeofence dependency updated to 5.4.0
Core v2.0.0 (09-01-2023)
Support for Android SDK version 12.5.04 and above.
- Support for iOS SDK version 9.2.0 and above.
- Breaking Changes
All exposed API will have appId as an additional trailing parameter.
- Following are the renamed API
Then Now optOutDataTracking({ shouldOptOut: true }))
enableDataTracking(options: { appId: string }): Promise<void>;
optOutDataTracking({ shouldOptOut: false }) |
disableDataTracking(options: { appId: string }): Promise<void>; - The push token Model is renamed from MoEPushToken to MoEPushTokenData
- Removed APIs
Removed APIs selfHandledPrimaryClicked(campaignData: MoEInAppSelfHandledCampaignData): Promise<void>;enableSDKLogs(): Promise<void>;optOutInAppNotification(options: { shouldOptOut: boolean }): Promise<void>;optOutPushNotification(options: { shouldOptOut: boolean }): Promise<void>;
- Android
Support for Android 13 notification permission
Support for Android Gradle Plugin version 7.3.1
- Build Configuration Updates
- Target SDK version - 31
- Compile SDK Version - 31
- Removed and replaced APIs
Then Now MoEInitializer.initialize(context: Context, builder: MoEngage.Builder)MoEInitializer.initialiseDefaultInstance(context: Context, builder: MoEngage.Builder)MoEInitializer.initialize(context: Context, builder: MoEngage.Builder, isSdkEnabled: Boolean)MoEInitializer.initialiseDefaultInstance(context: Context, builder: MoEngage.Builder, sdkState: SdkState)
- iOS
- Removed and replaced APIs
Then Now initializeWithSDKConfig(_ config: MOSDKConfig, andLaunchOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?)initializeDefaultInstance(_ config: MoEngageSDKConfig, andLaunchOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?)initializeWithSDKConfig(_ config: MOSDKConfig, withSDKState state:Bool, andLaunchOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?)initializeDefaultInstance(_ config: MoEngageSDKConfig, withSDKState state:MoEngageSDKState, andLaunchOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?)
- Removed and replaced APIs
Geofence v2.0.0 (09-01-2023)
Updated the dependency to MoEngageGeofence 5.2.0 and above
All exposed API will have appId as an additional trailing parameter
Core v1.1.1 (23-12-2022)
- Bugfix
- Peer dependency resolution error fix.
Geofence v1.1.1 (23-12-2022)
- Bugfix
- Peer dependency resolution error fix.
- Bugfix
Core v1.1.0 (20-12-2022)
- Migrated to Capacitor 4.
Geofence v1.1.0 (20-12-2022)
- Migrated to Capacitor 4.
Core v1.0.3 (27-09-2022)
- iOS
- BugFix: Registered
method to make it available for Javascript.
- BugFix: Registered
Core v1.0.2 (25-07-2022)
- Android
- Device identifier tracking update as per Google's User Data policy. Advertising Id is only tracked after user consent. Along with the plugin update the Native Android dependency to
- Device identifier tracking update as per Google's User Data policy. Advertising Id is only tracked after user consent. Along with the plugin update the Native Android dependency to
- iOS
- Native dependencies updated to support
- Native dependencies updated to support
Core v1.0.1 (09-02-2022)
- Bugfix
- Android Push click callback is not working when a notification is clicked in the app's killed state.
Core v1.0.0 (01-02-2022)
- Initial Release
Geofence v1.0.0 (01-02-2022)
- Initial Release