iOS Notification Center

Inbox is a drop-in view controller which contains the read and unread push notifications. Even if the user has not clicked on a notification, it will be present in the Inbox and will be highlighted to signify it is unread status. The title and the look and feel of the view are also customisable.

Inbox view controller is added as a child view controller to your own controller. This helps you get the delegate callback in the same controller, which you can further use for navigation to different screens.

SDK Installation

From MoEngage-iOS-SDK version 8.2.0 ,Inbox module is separated from the SDK to a separate module as MoEngageInbox and hence has to be added separately.


Install using CocoaPod

Integrate MoEngageInbox framework by adding the dependency in the podfile as show below.

pod 'MoEngage-iOS-SDK/Inbox','~>9.18.0'

Now run pod install to install the framework

Install using Swift Package Manager

MoEngageInbox is supported through SPM from SDK version 1.2.0. To integrate use the following git hub url link and set the branch as master or version as 9.18.0 and above

Inbox Setup Checklist

Make sure the following items are implemented before using the Inbox Module:

  1. Update the MoEngage-iOS-SDK to version >= 9.0.0

  2. Integrate the MoEngageInbox module of version >= 2.0.0
  3. Implement Notification Service Extension and Integrate MoEngageRichNotifcation(>= 7.0.0).

  4. AppGroupID is set in App Target Capabilities and the same is passed to the SDK.

  5. AppGroupID is set in Notification Service Extension Target Capabilities and the same is passed to the MoEngageRichNotification SDK.


App Group ID

Make sure the App Group ID configured for both the App Target and the Notification Service Extension Target are the same.

How to use Inbox?

  1. Import MoEngageInbox in your View Controller.
  2. Create a property - @property(nonatomic, strong) MoEngageInboxViewController *inboxController.
  3. In viewDidLoad, add the below code to fetch MoEngageInboxViewController
Swift Objective-C
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.getInboxViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withInboxWithControllerDelegate: nil, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { inboxController in
     self.inboxController = inboxController

Push/Present the MoEngageInboxViewController

In order for the SDK to handle the transition, use one of the methods.

Swift Objective-C
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.pushInboxViewController(toNavigationController: self.navigationController!, withUIConfiguration: nil)
// Present 
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.presentInboxViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil)

MoEngageInboxViewControllerDelegate Methods

Use MoEngageInboxViewControllerDelegate protocol for getting the callbacks from the Inbox Module:

Swift Objective-C
extension NotificationsViewController: MoEngageInboxViewControllerDelegate {
//Called when inbox cell is selected
func inboxEntryClicked(_ inboxItem: MoEngageInboxEntry) {
     print("Inbox Clicked")
//Called when inbox item is deleted
func inboxEntryDeleted(_ inboxItem: MoEngageInboxEntry) {
     print("Inbox item deleted")

// Called when MoEngageInboxViewController is dismissed after being presented
func inboxViewControllerDismissed() {

Set MoEngageInboxViewControllerDelegate by passing the delegate as parameter in the below functions.

Swift Objective-C
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.pushInboxViewController(toNavigationController: self.navigationController!, withUIConfiguration: nil, withInboxWithControllerDelegate: self)

MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.presentInboxViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withInboxWithControllerDelegate: self)
//Fetch MoEngageInboxViewController
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.getInboxViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withInboxWithControllerDelegate: self, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { inboxController in
     self.inboxController = inboxController

Customizing Appearance

  1. You can push/present your controller. If you push your controller, make sure to add “Done” or “Cancel” button as a UIBarButtonItem to dismiss your View Controller.
  2. You can get the delegate callback of the click action on inbox cells.
  3. You can use this data for tracking events or navigation to another screen.
  4. You can customize the look and feel of the inbox view controller using the method:
Swift Objective-C
let configuration = MoEngageInboxUIConfiguration()
configuration.cellDefaultBackgroundColor = .red
configuration.cellHeaderLabelFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
configuration.cellMessageLabelFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13)
configuration.cellSelectionTintColor = .red
configuration.cellHeaderLabelTextColor = .white
configuration.cellMessageLabelTextColor = .white
configuration.cellUnreadBackgroundColor = .blue
let navigationBarStyle = MoEngageInboxNavigationBarStyle()
navigationBarStyle.navigationBarColor = .black
navigationBarStyle.navigationBarTintColor = .blue
navigationBarStyle.navigationBarTitleColor = .blue
navigationBarStyle.navigationBarTransluscent = false
configuration.navigationBarStyle = navigationBarStyle

MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.presentInboxViewController(withUIConfiguration: configuration, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID")

MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.pushInboxViewController(toNavigationController: self.navigationController!, withUIConfiguration: configuration, forAppID: "Workspace ID")

//Fetch MoEngageInboxViewController
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.getInboxViewController(withUIConfiguration: configuration, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { controller in

Self Handled Inbox

Fetch Inbox Messages:

Inbox can be completely customized now. Use getInboxMessages(forAppID:withCompletionBlock:) to fetch the inbox messages.

Swift Objective-C
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.getInboxMessages(forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { inboxMessages, account in
     print("Received Inbox messages")

Mark a notification as Read:

An inbox notification can be marked as read with the method markInboxNotificationClicked(withCampaignID:forAppID:completionHandler) by providing the campaign ID of the notification while calling the method. The method will return the updated notification payload where the isRead key will be set to true.

Swift Objective-C
//Get the MoEngageInboxEntry instance
let pushModel = inboxMessages[]

if !pushModel.isRead {
    MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.markInboxNotificationClicked(withCampaignID: pushModel.campaignID)

Track Inbox Notification Clicks:

An inbox notification click can be tracked by using method trackInboxClick(withCampaignID:forAppID:) by providing the campaign ID of the notification while calling the method.

Swift Objective-C
//Get the MoEngageInboxEntry instance
 let pushModel = inboxMessages[]
 MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.trackInboxClick(withCampaignID: pushModel.campaignID)

Process the Inbox Clicks:

If you want to perform the actions supported by the SDK(i.e, rich landing, deep linking, coupon code etc) associated with the notifications on clicking the entry in Inbox call processInboxNotification(withCampaignID:forAppID:) method as shown below.

Swift Objective-C
//Get the MoEngageInboxEntry instance
 let pushModel = inboxMessages[]
 MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.processInboxNotification(withCampaignID: pushModel.campaignID)

Get Unread Notifications count:

You can obtain the unread notifications count from the Inbox by using getUnreadNotificationCount(forAppID:withCompletionBlock:) method as shown below:

Swift Objective-C
//Get Unread Notifications count 
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.getUnreadNotificationCount() { count, accountMeta in
    print("Unread message count is \(count)")

Deleting Messages

Use removeInboxMessages(forAppID:completionHandler:) method to remove all the messages currently stored in inbox.

Swift Objective-C
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.removeInboxMessages { success in
                    print("Removed all inbox messages \(success)")

Use removeInboxMessage(withCampaignID:forAppID:completionHandler:) method to remove the single message stored in inbox by passing the Campaign ID.

Swift Objective-C
MoEngageSDKInbox.sharedInstance.removeInboxMessage(withCampaignID: "YOUR CAMPAIGN ID")

Methods deprecated in SDK version 4.4.0

We have revamped the Inbox Module in the SDK version 4.4.0 and following this, we have deprecated MOInboxPushDataModel class and use MOInboxModel class instances as the model object for notifications. Along with this, we have also deprecated few of the existing methods of MOInbox as listed below:

+(NSArray *)getInboxMessages __deprecated_msg("This method is deprecated as the payload structure has changed, this method will be removed in SDK Version 5.0.0. Use getInboxMessagesWithCompletionBlock: instead");

+(void)trackInboxNotificationClickForCampaign:(MOInboxPushDataModel*)campaignObj andIsFirstClick:(BOOL)isFirstClick __deprecated_msg("This method is deprecated as MOInboxPushDataModel Class is depreacted, this method will be removed in SDK Version 5.0.0. Use trackInboxNotificationClickWithCampaignID: instead");

+(void)processInboxNotificationOnClickForCampaign:(MOInboxPushDataModel*)campaignObj __deprecated_msg("This method is deprecated as MOInboxPushDataModel Class is depreacted, this method will be removed in SDK Version 5.0.0. Use processInboxNotificationWithCampaignID: instead");

+(NSMutableDictionary*)markNotificationReadWithCampaignID:(NSString*)cid __deprecated_msg("This method is deprecated as MOInboxPushDataModel Class is depreacted, this method will be removed in SDK Version 5.0.0. Use markInboxNotificationClickedWithCampaignID: instead");

+(void)writeArrayToFile:(NSMutableArray *)anArray __deprecated_msg("Method Deprecated. From SDK Version 5.0.0 you will not be able to change the inbox file content.");

These methods will be removed from the SDK version 5.0.0, therefore make sure you have updated all the Inbox feature to use the newer APIs.



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