Cards in iOS

Create targeted or automated App Inbox/NewsFeed messages that can be grouped into various categories, and target your users with different updates or offers that can stay in the Inbox/Feed over a designated period of time. Refer to the help article to learn more about cards.


SDK Installation


Install using CocoaPod

Integrate the MoEngageCards framework by adding the dependency in the pod file as described in the following image.

pod 'MoEngageCards','~> 3.2.0'

Now run pod install to install the framework

Install using Swift Package Manager

MoEngageCards is supported through SPM from SDK version 3.2.0. To integrate use the following GitHub URL link and set the branch as master or version as 3.2.0 and above

Manual Integration


Manual Integration

To integrate the MoEngageCards SDK manually to your project follow this doc.

Displaying AppInbox/Feeds

Once the module is integrated, use the below-provided methods to display the MOCardsListViewController with the transition:

Swift Objective-C
// To Push MOCardsListViewController
MOCards.sharedInstance.pushCardsViewController(toNavigationController: self.navigationController!)

// To Present MOCardsListViewController

So as shown above, in the SDK we have provided support for Push and Present transition. In case you want to handle the transition while displaying the Inbox, use the getCardsViewControllerWithUIConfiguration method as shown below to obtain the view controller instance:

Swift Objective-C
MOCards.sharedInstance.getCardsViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withCardsViewControllerDelegate: self, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { cardsController in
 print("fetched CardsController")

Customizing Inbox UI

The earlier snapshots indicate what the default UI of the Inbox would look like. But we have also added support for customizing the App Inbox screen according to your App Theme. For customizing the screen make use of MOCardsUIConfiguration instance and pass the same in the above-mentioned methods. Refer to the example below:

let uiConfig = MOCardsUIConfiguration()
// Do customization using uiConfig
// provide the argument while obtaining the MOCardsListViewController instance

// Present Cards View Controller
MOCards.sharedInstance.presentCardsViewController(withUIConfiguration: uiConfig)

// Push Cards View Controller 
MOCards.sharedInstance.pushCardsViewController(toNavigationController: self.navigationController!, withUIConfiguration: uiConfig)

// Obtaining the ViewController
 MOCards.sharedInstance.getCardsViewController(withUIConfiguration: uiConfig, withCardsViewControllerDelegate: self, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { cardsController in
    self.cardsController = cardsController


The example of how the UI of Inbox can be completely customized according to your need. Below we have mentioned about what all UI attributes which can be customized using MOCardsUIConfiguration instance:

Customizing Navigation Bar:

Navigation Bar customization includes updating the title, navigation bar color, title color, title font, etc. Create an instance of MOCardsNavigationBarStyle and set all the attributes as shown below, post that assign the same to your MOCardsUIConfiguration instance:

let uiConfig = MOCardsUIConfiguration()
// Navigation Bar Customizations
let navBarStyle = MOCardsNavigationBarStyle()
navBarStyle.navigationBarColor = UIColor(hex: "#0A1D1F")
navBarStyle.navigationBarTitleFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20.0, weight: .semibold)
navBarStyle.navigationBarTitleColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF")
navBarStyle.navigationBarTintColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF")
navBarStyle.navigationBarTransluscent = true

uiConfig.navigationBarTitle = "Hello!!!"
uiConfig.navigationBarStyle = navBarStyle

Customizing Category TabBar:

Directly set the attributes of MOCardsUIConfiguration instance, you would like to change for the Category Tabs Bar view as shown below:

 let uiConfig = MOCardsUIConfiguration()
 // Category Tabs Customizations
 uiConfig.categoryTabsContainerBGColor = UIColor(hex: "#6EA6CF")
 uiConfig.categoryTabsBGColor = UIColor(hex: "#6EA6CF")
 uiConfig.categoryTabsTextColor = UIColor(hex: "#0A1D1F")
 uiConfig.categorySelectedTabBGColor = UIColor(hex: "#BB4D3E")
 uiConfig.categorySelectedTabTextColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF")
 uiConfig.categorySelectionIndicatorBarColor = UIColor(hex: "#B0BF40")
 uiConfig.categoryTabFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12.0, weight: .medium)
 uiConfig.categorySelectedTabFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0, weight: .bold)

Customizing Empty Inbox:

In the case of an empty inbox, we provide the option of setting a message and image. By default, the empty inbox will look as described in the following image:


This can again be customized by using the UI configuration instance as shown below:

let uiConfig = MOCardsUIConfiguration()

// Empty Inbox Customization
uiConfig.emptyInboxText = "No New Messages!!!"
uiConfig.emptyInboxTextColor = UIColor(hex:"#BB4D3E") ?? .white
uiConfig.emptyInboxTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 28.0, weight: .bold)
uiConfig.emptyInboxImage = UIImage(named: "emptyInbox")

Customising Inbox Container:

In case any of the property of MOCardsListViewController has to be customized, refer to the below example:

let uiConfig = MOCardsUIConfiguration()

// Cards Container customization
uiConfig.cardsViewControllerBGColor = UIColor(hex:"#0A1D1F")
uiConfig.cardsTableViewBGColor = UIColor(hex:"#0A1D1F")
uiConfig.pullToRefreshTintColor = UIColor(hex:"#BB4D3E")
// To disable Pull to refresh set it to false, set to true by default
uiConfig.enablePullToRefresh = false
// To change the Delete/Cancel text in Action Sheet
uiConfig.actionSheetDeletionText = "Remove"
uiConfig.actionSheetCancelText = "Never Mind" // New Updates Button Customizations
uiConfig.newUpdatesButtonTitle = "Updates Available!!"
uiConfig.newUpdatesButtonFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14.0, weight: .semibold)
uiConfig.newUpdatesButtonBGColor = UIColor(hex:"#BB4D3E")
uiConfig.newUpdatesButtonTextColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF")


We have supported pull to refresh in the Inbox, the activity indicator color for the same can be updated as shown above.

Customizing Card Properties:

We have provided options to customize your Card in the dashboard while creating the campaign, but along with it you can also set the default attribute values so that you don't have to set it every time while creating the campaign, refer to the example below:

let uiConfig = MOCardsUIConfiguration()

// Cards Default parameters
uiConfig.defaultCardBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex:"#6EA6CF")

// On highlighting the cell
uiConfig.cardSelectionTintColor = UIColor(hex:"#333333")

// Header Label textcolor and font
uiConfig.cardHeaderLabelFont = UIFont.init(name: "AmericanTypewriter", size: 20.0)!
uiConfig.cardHeaderLabelDefaultTextColor = UIColor(hex:"#0A1D1F")

// Message Label textcolor and font
uiConfig.cardMessageLabelFont  = UIFont.init(name: "Baskerville", size: 16.0)!
uiConfig.cardMessageLabelDefaultTextColor = UIColor(hex:"#0F2E2A")

// TimeStamp Date Format, Label textcolor and font
uiConfig.timestampDateFormat = "dd/MM, HH:mm"
uiConfig.cardTimestampLabelFont  = UIFont.init(name: "Courier", size: 14.0)!
uiConfig.cardTimestampLabelDefaultTextColor = UIColor(hex:"#0F2E2A")

// CTA Button customizations
uiConfig.cardButtonFont  = UIFont.init(name: "SavoyeLetPlain", size: 16.0)!
uiConfig.cardButtonDefaultTextColor = UIColor(hex:"#FFFFFF")
uiConfig.cardButtonDefaultBGColor = UIColor(hex:"#BB4D3E")

// Image Customizations
uiConfig.cardImageBackgroundColor = UIColor.clear
uiConfig.cardPlaceholderImage  = UIImage(named: "card-placeholder")

// Card Pinned Indicator
uiConfig.cardPinnedImage  = UIImage(named: "pinned")

// Unclicked Indicator
// Either Color OR Image NOT Both, If both are set then image will be considered
uiConfig.cardUnclickedIndicatorColor = UIColor(hex:"#7EC247")
uiConfig.cardUnclickedIndicatorImage = UIImage(named: "unclicked")

// Separator
uiConfig.cardSeparatorBackgroundColor = UIColor(red: 10.0/255.0, green: 90.0/255.0, blue: 190.0/255.0, alpha: 0.30)

Getting Cards Count APIs

Getting New Cards Count:

A Card is considered new if it's not yet seen by the user. To get the number/count of new cards use the getNewCardsCount() method as shown below:

MOCards.sharedInstance.getNewCardsCount(forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID", withCompletionBlock: { count, accountMeta in
   print("Card count is \(count)")

Getting Unclicked Cards Count:

To get the number/count of cards which are not clicked by the user, use the getUnclickedCardsCount() method as shown below:

MOCards.sharedInstance.getUnclickedCardsCount(forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { count, accountMeta in
  print("UnClicked Card count is \(count)")

Callbacks using MOCardsDelegate

Use MOCardsDelegate protocol for getting the callbacks from the Cards Module:

@objc protocol MOCardsDelegate {
   // Called when the Cards data is synced successfully
    @objc optional func cardsSyncedSuccessfully(forAccountMeta accountMeta: MOAccountMeta)

Set cardsDelegate property of MOCards instance as shown below to get the above callbacks:

class DelegateClass: MOCardsDelegate {
//  ...
MOCards.sharedInstance.setCardsDelegate(delegate: self)// Pass delegate instance

Callbacks using MOCardsViewControllerDelegate

Use MOCardsViewControllerDelegate protocol for getting the callbacks from the Cards Module:

@objc protocol MOCardsViewControllerDelegate {
    // Called when MOCardsListViewController is dismissed after being presented
    @objc optional func cardsViewControllerDismissed(forAccountMeta accountMeta: MOAccountMeta)
    // Called when a Card is deleted
    @objc optional func cardDeleted(withCardInfo card: MOCardCampaign, forAccountMeta accountMeta: MOAccountMeta)
    // Called when a Card is clicked by the user
    @objc optional func cardClicked(withCardInfo card: MOCardCampaign, andAction action:MOCardAction, forAccountMeta accountMeta: MOAccountMeta) -> Bool

Set MOCardsViewControllerDelegate by passing the delegate as parameter in the below functions.

class DelegateClass: MOCardsViewControllerDelegate {
//  ...
//Pass delegate instance when presenting the controller
MOCards.sharedInstance.presentCardsViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withCardsViewControllerDelegate: self)
//Pass delegate instance when pushing the controller
MOCards.sharedInstance.pushCardsViewController(toNavigationController: self.navigationController!, withUIConfiguration: nil, withCardsViewControllerDelegate: self)

//Pass delegate instance when fetching the controller
 MOCards.sharedInstance.getCardsViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withCardsViewControllerDelegate: self, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { cardController in



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