Configuring your MoEngage Account
- Ensure you have configured the Firebase application.
- Configure FCM Authorization on the MoEngage Dashboard. For more information, refer to FCM Authentication.
- Ensure you add the keys in both the Test and Live environments.
Adding metadata for push notification
Metadata regarding the notification is required to show push notifications where the small icon and large icon drawable are mandatory.
For more information about API reference for all the possible options, refer to NotificationConfig.
Use the configureNotificationMetaData() to transfer the configuration to the SDK.
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXX")
.configureNotificationMetaData(NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon))
MoEngage moEngage = new MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXXXX")
.configureNotificationMetaData(new NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon))
Ensure that the SDK is initialized with the metadata in the onCreate() of the Application class for push notifications to work.
info |
Notification Small Icon Guidelines The notification small icon should be flat, pictured face on, and must be white on a transparent background. |
Notification Small Icon Density, Size
Density (dp) | Size (px) |
24x24 |
36x36 |
48x48 |
72x72 |
96x96 |
warning |
Critical Please ensure the small icon is set. If the small icon is not set, notifications will not be displayed. |