Self Handled Cards

Self-handled cards give you the flexibility to create card campaigns on the MoEngage Platform and display the cards anywhere within the application. The SDK provides APIs to fetch the campaign's data, which allows you to create your own custom view for the cards.

SDK Installation

Install using CocoaPod

Integrate the MoEngageCards framework by adding the dependency in the podfile as shown below.

pod 'MoEngage-iOS-SDK/Cards','~> 9.18.0'

Now run pod install to install the framework

Install using Swift Package Manager

MoEngageCards is supported through SPM from SDK version 3.2.0. To integrate use the following git hub url link and set the branch as master or version as 4.0.0 and above

Manual Integration


Manual Integration

To integrate the MoEngageCards SDK manually to your project follow this doc.

Use the below APIs to fetch the card's data and build your own UI. 

Fetch Categories

To fetch all the categories for which cards are configured use the API getCardsCategories(forAppID:withCompletionBlock:)

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.getCardsCategories { categories, accountMeta in
        print("Fetched Cards Categories \(categories)")

Fetch Cards for Categories

To fetch cards eligible for display for a specific category use the API getCards(forCategory:forAppID:withCompletionBlock:)

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.getCards(forCategory: "CATEGORY") { cards, accountMeta in
          print("Fetched cards for given category")

Instead of using separate APIs to fetch the Cards and categories you can use the method getCardsData(forAppID:withCompletionBlock:) to fetch all the information in one go

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.getCardsData { cardsData, accountMeta in
                  print("Cards category \(cardsData?.cardCategories)")
                  print("Cards Data \(cardsData?.cards)")

Track Statistics for Cards

Since the UI/display of the cards is controlled by the application to track statistics on delivery, display, click we need the application to notify the SDK.


To track delivery to the card section of the application use the API cardDelivered(_:forAppID:) when the cards section of the application is loaded by passing the instance of MoEngageCardCampaign

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.cardDelivered(cardCampaign, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID")    


Call the method cardShown(_:forAppID:) when a specific card is visible on the screen.

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.cardShown(cardCampaign, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID")


Call the method cardClicked(_:withWidgetID:forAppID:) whenever a user clicks on a card, along with the card object widget identifier for the UI element clicked should also be passed. 

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.cardClicked(cardCampaign, withWidgetID: widgetID);

Delete Card

Call the method deleteCards(_:forAppID:andCompletionBlock:) to delete a card by passing an array of MoEngageCardCampaign as parameter

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.deleteCards([cards]) { isDeleted, accountMeta in
     print("Card deletion was \(isDeleted)")

The above API has an overloaded method that accepts a list of cards to be deleted.

Refresh Cards from the Server

Use the fetchCards(forAppID:withCompletion:) API to refresh cards from the MoEngage server if required, MoEngageCardData is provided in callback with refreshed MoEngageCardCampaign in cards property and account meta-data MoEngageAccountMeta in accountMeta.

MoEngageSDKCards.sharedInstance.fetchCards { data in
    print("Refreshed cards: \(data?.cards) for account \(data?.accountMeta)")


  • The SDK automatically refreshes/fetches cards from the MoEngage server whenever the application comes to the foreground. 
  • This API has a FUP if breached the existing cards i.e. the ones in the local storage of the device will be passed on in the callback.



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