Install MoEngage's Inbox Plugin to your application, using the npm package manager. And then link your native dependencies.
$ npm install react-native-moengage-inbox
# required only if you are using versions that do not support auto linking
# This command is removed in version 0.69 of react-native
$ react-native link react-native-moengage-inbox
Note: This plugin is dependent on react-native-moengage
plugin. Make sure you have installed the react-native-moengage
plugin as well. Refer to the link for the same.
Android Installation
Configuration Required For Older React Version (Optional)
info |
Note This step is required only if react-native auto-linking is not working. |
In android/settings.gradle(.kts) add the following:
include ':react-native-moengage-inbox'
project(':react-native-moengage-inbox').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-moengage-inbox/android')
In android/app/build.gradle(.kts) add the following
dependencies {
implementation project(':react-native-moengage-inbox')
Add the MoEngage React Package in the Application class's getPackages()
Path - android/app/src/main/java/<package-name>/
Note: Your Application class name might vary, go to your application class.
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {
protected boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() {
return BuildConfig.DEBUG;
protected List getPackages() {
List packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
packages.add(new MoengageInboxPackage());
return packages;
@Override public void onCreate() {
public ReactNativeHost getReactNativeHost() {
return mReactNativeHost;
In case you are facing issues with the import add the below import statement in your java file.
import com.moengage.react.inbox.MoengageInboxPackage;
iOS Installation
To run the application in the new react architecture, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the iOS folder.
- Run the command RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 bundle exec pod install to install the necessary dependencies.
To run the application in the old react architecture, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the iOS folder.
- Run the command pod install to install the necessary dependencies.
warning |
Warning Make sure to configure AppGroup ID in App Target and Set up Notification Service Extension in your iOS Project, for the SDK to save the received notifications. |
Inbox Initialization
To initialise Inbox, pass Workspace ID as parameter to initialize(Workspace ID)
method of MoEReactInbox
as shown below
import MoEReactInbox from "react-native-moengage-inbox";
MoEReactInbox.initialize(YOUR Workspace ID);
Fetch Messages
To fetch all the inbox messages use fetchAllMessages()
method as shown below, where you would get an instance of MoEInboxData
import MoEReactInbox from "react-native-moengage-inbox";
var inboxData= await MoEReactInbox.fetchAllMessages()
InboxData Payload
MoEInboxData will be received in the below format:
class MoEInboxData {
/// Native platform from which the callback was triggered.(ios/android)
platform: String;
/// List of [MoEInboxMessage]
messages:Array = [];
class MoEInboxMessage {
/// internal identifier used by the SDK for storage.(Only Android)
id: number;
/// Unique identifier for a message.
campaignId: string;
/// Text content of the message. Instance of MoETextContent
text: MoETextContent;
/// true if the message has been clicked by the user else false
isClicked: boolean;
/// Media content associated with the message.
media: MoEMedia;
/// List of actions to be executed on click. Instances of [MoEAction]
action: Array = [];
/// Tag associated with the message.
tag: string;
/// The time in which the message was received on the device.
/// Format - ISO-8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
receivedTime: string;
/// The time at which the message expiry.
/// Format - ISO-8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
expiry: string;
/// Complete message payload. This will vary for platforms
payload: Map<String, Object>;
class MoEAction {
/// actionType- navigation
actionType: MoEActionType;
/// navigationType- deepLink, richLanding, screenName
navigationType: string;
/// Value associated with navigation action eg: url / screen name
value: string;
/// Custom Key-Value Pairs associated with action
kvPair?: Map<String, Object>;
class MoEMedia {
/// Content type of the Media. (image/video/audio)
mediaType: MoEMediaType;
/// Url for the media content. Generally a http(s) url.
url: string;
class MoETextContent {
/// Tiitle content of the message
title: string;
/// Subtitle content of the message
subtitle?: string;
/// Message content of the message
message: string;
/// Summary content of the message
summary?: string;
Get Unclicked Message Count
To obtain the unclicked messages count from the Inbox use getUnClickedCount()
method as shown below:
import MoEReactInbox from "react-native-moengage-inbox";
var count = await MoEReactInbox.getUnClickedCount()
Track Message Clicks
To track clicks on the messages inside your Inbox use trackMessageClicked()
method as shown below:
import MoEReactInbox from "react-native-moengage-inbox";
MoEReactInbox.trackMessageClicked(message) //Pass the instance of MoEInboxMessage here
Delete Message
To delete a particular message from the list of messages use deleteMessage()
method as shown below:
import MoEReactInbox from "react-native-moengage-inbox";
MoEReactInbox.deleteMessage(message) //Pass the instance of MoEInboxMessage here