User API helps add or update users and user properties in MoEngage.
Use cases:
- Create a new user
- Create new user property
- Update existing user properties of users
API Endpoint
POST https://api-0X.moengage.com/v1/customer/<APP_ID>
The 'X' in the API Endpoint URL refers to the MoEngage Data Center (DC). MoEngage hosts each customer in a different DC. You can find your DC number (value of X) and replace the value of 'X' in the URL by referring to the DC and API endpoint mapping here.
info |
Note The APP_ID for your MoEngage account is available on the MoEngage Dashboard. We've revamped our settings UI; you can find the APP_ID in the following navigations in the revamped and old UIs:
Request Parameters
Key | Mandatory/Optional | Data String | Description |
app_id |
Mandatory |
String |
This is your MoEngage account's Workspace ID that has to be passed along with the request. You can find your Workspace ID in the following navigation on the Dashboard: Revamped UI: Settings > Account > APIs > Workspace ID Old UI: Settings > API > General Settings > DATA API KEY |
Request Headers
Key | Mandatory/Optional | Sample Values | Description |
Content-Type |
Mandatory |
{"Content-Type": "application/json"} |
Set the Content-Type header to application/json. |
Authorization |
Mandatory |
{"Authorization": "Basic bmF2ZWVua3VtYXI6bW9lbmdhZ2U=="} |
This authentication parameter, used for access control, must be passed along with the request. To generate the authentication header, refer to Authentication. |
X-Forwarded-For |
Optional |
Header Value Format: <IP Address> |
The 'X-Forwarded-For' header is used to specify the IP address of the client that made the request. This header may be added by proxy servers or load balancers. The header value must contain the IP address of the original client that initiated the request. Multiple IP addresses may be specified in the header value, separated by commas. |
Request Body
A sample request body is described for the user with the unique id john@example.com.
"type": "customer",
"customer_id": "john@example.com",
"attributes": {
"platforms" : [{"platform":"ANDROID", "active":"true"}]
Request Body Fields
Key | Datatype | Mandatory Field | Description |
type | String | Yes |
This is used to identify the type of request. Allowed Value: customer Example: "type": "customer" Note: This field is case-sensitive. Follow the case as in the example when passing the value in the request. |
customer_id | String | Yes | The unique identifier is used to identify/create a user in MoEngage. Please refer to this section for more information on customer_id. |
update_existing_only | Boolean/String | No |
This field should be passed in the request when only existing users in MoEngage should be updated. If this value is passed as true:
If this value is passed as false:
attributes | JSON Object | No | A dictionary containing user attributes to add / update in the user profile. |
platforms | List | No | List of dictionaries with the associated platforms out of ANDROID, iOS, and web and their status. |
Standard User Attributes
The following standard user attributes are tracked for User API in MoEngage.
info |
Information In the MoEngage platform, the standard attributes are identified when an attribute has (standard) marked right next to it - for example, email(standard). |
Key | Attribute Name on Dashboard | Datatype | Description |
name | Name | String | Full name of the user. |
first_name | First Name | String | First name of the user. |
last_name | Last Name | String | Last name of the user. |
Email (Standard) | String | Email Address of the user. For example, john@example.com | |
age | Age | Numeric | Age of the user |
gender | Gender | String | Gender of the user |
mobile | Mobile Number (Standard) | String | Mobile Number of the user. For example, 918888444411 |
moe_geo_location | Location |
Array of [lat,lng] in double in the format {"lat": 12.11, "lon": 123.122} |
A sample value would be the location of the user. For example: {"lat": 12.11, "lon": 123.122} |
source | Publisher Name | String | This is the Publisher Name of Install. For example, Google Ads |
cr_t | First Seen | Date | The time when the user was created. Information in ISO 8601 format. For example: 2019-05-21T03:47:35Z |
u_l_a | Last Seen | Date | Last Seen Time of the user. Information in ISO 8601 format. For example 2020-05-01T03:52:35Z |
transactions | Number of Conversions | Numeric | A total number of conversions made by the user in a lifetime. |
revenue | LTV | Numeric | Life Time Value of the user. |
moe_unsubscribe | Unsubscribe | Boolean | Email Unsubscribe Attribute. Emails are not sent to the user when the set value is true. |
platforms | Not visible on the dashboard. | List | Value is based on the active platforms of the user. For example: [{"platform":"ANDROID", "active":"true"},{"platform":"IOS", "active":"true"}] |
moe_hard_bounce | Hard Bounce | Boolean |
Email Hard Bounce Attribute. The emails are not sent to the user when the set value is true. |
moe_spam | Spam | Boolean |
Email Spam Attribute. The emails are not sent to the user when the set value is true. |
For other attributes that are not part of the list, use the key-value pairs that you intend to use.
Example Payload
For example, to track custom attributes of different data types like string, numeric, boolean, and date, pass the following payload where points are a number, expiry_date is a date type attribute, and super_user is a boolean attribute.
"type" : "customer",
"customer_id": "john@example.com",
"attributes": {
"platforms" : [{"platform":"ANDROID","active":"true"}]
info |
Response Codes
Success Response
"status": "success",
"message": "Your request has been accepted and will be processed soon."
Customer ID is missing in the payload
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"attribute": "customer_id",
"message": "customer_id is not found in the payload",
"type": "MissingAttributeError",
"request_id": "ZbPXtKFL"
Customer ID is empty:
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"attribute": "customer_id",
"message": "customer_id can not be empty Unicode String",
"type": "MissingAttributeError",
"request_id": "VgjtlxTu"
Array field error:
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"attribute": "addValueToArrayField",
"message": "Cannot add and remove 'first_name' at the same time",
"type": "ArrayFieldError",
"request_id": "WPDAbugh"
Sample response for authorization errors
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "App Secret key mismatch. Please login to the dashboard to verify key",
"type": "Authentication required",
"request_id": "PVUDFisO"
Sample response for missing authentication header
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Authentication Header Required",
"type": "Authentication required",
"request_id": "PiSPjGQQ"
Sample response for when your account is blocked
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Your account is suspended. Please contact MoEngage team.",
"type": "BlockedClient",
"request_id": "ofHUEaEQ"
Sample response for when your account is suspended
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Your account is suspended. Please contact MoEngage team.",
"type": "Account Suspended",
"request_id": "gqJvCNYu"
Sample response for when your account is temporarily suspended
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Your account is temporarily suspended. Please contact MoEngage team.",
"type": "Account Temporarily Suspended",
"request_id": "ssSJjoyD"
Sample response for payloads exceeding the size limit
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Payload can not exceed 128KB",
"type": "Payload too large",
"request_id": "VFzDwhwt"
Sample response for unsupported media type
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Content type is not supported",
"type": "Unsupported media type",
"request_id": "SgBQfKJh"
Sample response for rate limit breach
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "Rate limits for customers exceeded. Please Try After Some Time",
"type": "Rate Limits Exceeded",
"request_id": "onqucLYL"
Sample response for unknown errors
"status": "fail",
"error": {
"message": "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request. Please contact MoEngage Team",
"type": "Server Error",
"request_id": "KovrwJiF"
Sample cURL Request
curl --location --request POST 'https://api-01.moengage.com/v1/customer/VJ0GSMESHMQA3L7WV1EEK3app_id=VJ0GSMESHMQA3L7EEK3UR' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic VkowQNRVNITVFBM0w3V1YxR1VSOkZJd0NGZ0QWpZcl9tcVlldkVPFtbw==' \
--data-raw '{
"type": "customer",
"customer_id": "123",
"attributes": {
"name": "JohnDoe",
"first_name": "John",
"platforms": [
"active": "true"
Array Support
If you want to pass an attribute in an array, the appropriate syntax for that is:
The sample cURL for adding and removing elements in an array is:
curl --location --request POST 'https://api-01.moengage.com/v1/customer/VJ0GSMESHMQA3L7WEK3UR?app_id=VJ0GSMESHMQA3L7WEK3UR' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic VkowR1NNRVNITVFBM0w3V1YxRUVLM1VSOkZJd0N5dGZ0QWpZcl9tcVlldkVPVkFtw==' \
--data-raw '{
"type" : "customer",
"customer_id": "123",
"attributes": {
"removeValueFromArrayField": {
"addValueToArrayField": {
"platforms" : [{"platform":"iOS", "active":"true"}]
Postman Collections
We have made it easy for you to test the APIs. Click here to view it in Postman.
How do we reduce the 5xx errors because of too many requests per second/minute?
Please attempt exponential backoff of requests to ensure there is no data loss due to 5xx errors.
How do I know if my user data has been ingested into MoEngage?
Getting a 200 status code as a response from MoEngage only indicates that the users in your API payload have been accepted for processing. It does not ensure that the users sent to MoEngage have been successfully ingested.
Although, this happens very rarely and you can search for newly ingested users in:
Segment > Create Segment > Search for users using their IDs
Can I use this API to also export users?
Please use the Get User API to export the users.
Can I use this API to delete users from MoEngage?
Please use the Delete User API to delete existing users in MoEngage.