We have made some major changes in SDK version 8.2.0 and if you are someone who was using an older version of our SDK and planning to move to version 8.2.0 or above here are the changes to be made while migrating:
Update the Pod names
From SDK version 8.2.0
, we have updated some of the pod names. Refer to the table below to update the podfile.
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
import MOGeofence |
import MoEngageGeofence |
import MORichNotification |
import MoEngageRichNotification |
Update the Import
From SDK version 8.2.0
, we have updated some of the framework names. Refer to the table below to update the import statement for the modules.
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
import MoEngage |
import MoEngageSDK |
import MOInApp |
import MoEngageInApps |
import MOCards |
import MoEngageCards |
import MOGeofence |
import MoEngageGeofence |
import MORichNotification |
import MoEngageRichNotification |
Initialisation Method Changes
We have deprecated the previous initialization methods and have introduced new methods.
Deprecated methods
let sdkConfig = MOSDKConfig(withAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID")
MoEngage.sharedInstance().initializeTest(with: sdkConfig, andLaunchOptions: launchOptions)
MoEngage.sharedInstance().initializeLive(with: sdkConfig, andLaunchOptions: launchOptions)
MOSDKConfig* sdkConfig = [[MOSDKConfig alloc] initWithAppID:@"YOUR Workspace ID"];
#ifdef DEBUG
[[MoEngage sharedInstance] initializeTestWithConfig:sdkConfig andLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
[[MoEngage sharedInstance] initializeLiveWithConfig:sdkConfig andLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
For info on the new initialization methods, refer to this link.
Setting Region/Data Center
MODataCenter: DataCenter names have been updated in the SDK version 8.2.0
. Following are the existing ones used in SDK version in 7.0.0
and above.
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
For info on the new DataCenter value, refer to this link.
App Target: Setting App Group ID
App Group ID for App target was earlier set using setAppGroupID:
, which is no longer supported. Make use of the MOSDKConfig to configure the same in the latest SDK versions(Refer link for more info)
Older method[6.3.1 and below]
[MoEngage setAppGroupID:@"AppGroupID"];
Enable Logs Changes
For troubleshooting, the method to enable SDK logs has been changed from debug:
to enableSDKLogs :
. The earlier method was used as shown below, and for the updated implementation in the latest SDK versions refer to the following doc:
Older method[6.3.1 and below]
[MoEngage debug:LOG_ALL];
Tracking User Attributes
From SDK version 8.2.0
, we have deprecated couple of UserAttribute methods. Refer to the table below to get the updated method
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserUniqueID(UNIQUE_ID) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setUniqueID(UNIQUE_ID) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserName(userName) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setName(userName) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserLastName(userLastname) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setLastName(userLastname) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserFirstName(userFirstName) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setFirstName(userFirstName) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserEmailID(userEmailID) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setEmailID(userEmailID) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserMobileNo(userPhoneNo) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setMobileNumber(userPhoneNo) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserGender(MALE) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setGender(.male) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserDateOfBirth(userBirthdate) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setDateOfBirth(userBirthdate) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserLocationLatitude (userLocationLat, andLongitude: userLocationLng) |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setLocation(MOGeoLocation(withLatitude: userLocationLat, andLongitude: userLocationLng)) |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserAttributeISODateString ("2020-01-12T18:45:59Z", forKey: "DateAttr2") |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setUserAttributeISODate("2020-01-12T18:45:59Z", withAttributeName: "Date Attr 2")e |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserAttributeTimestamp (NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970, forKey:"DateAttr3") |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setUserAttributeEpochTime(663333, withAttributeName: "Date Attr 3") |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setUserAttributeLocationLatitude (12.98798, longitude: 34.98789, forKey:"location_attribute_name") |
MOAnalytics.sharedInstance.setLocation(MOGeoLocation.init(withLatitude: 72.90909, andLongitude: 12.34567), withAttributeName: "attribute name") |
For info on tracking user attributes methods, refer to this doc
Push Notification
From SDK version 8.2.0
, we have updated methods related to Push Notification.Refer to the table below to use the updated one.
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().disableBadgeReset = true |
MoEngage.sharedInstance().setDisableBadgeReset(true) |
MORichNotification.handle(request, withContentHandler: contentHandler) |
MORichNotification.handle(richNotificationRequest: request, withContentHandler: contentHandler) |
MOPushTemplateHandler.sharedInstance().addPushTemplate(to: self, with: notification) |
MORichNotification.addPushTemplate(toController: self, withNotification: notification) |
//Set messaging delegate MOMessaging.sharedInstance().messagingDelegate = self |
//Set messaging delegate MOMessaging.sharedInstance.setMessagingDelegate(self) |
RealTimeTrigger and Inbox Module
From SDK version 8.0.0, RealTimeTrigger and Inbox Module is separated from the MoEngage-iOS-SDK.Hence it must be integrated explicitly. Refer to the link for the doc.
Location Triggered
From SDK version 8.2.0
, we have updated methods related to Geofence. Refer to the table below to use the updated one.
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
MOGeofenceHandler.sharedInstance()?.startGeofenceMonitoring() |
MOGeofence.sharedInstance.startGeofenceMonitoring() |
MOGeofenceHandler.sharedInstance().delegate = self |
MOGeofence.sharedInstance.setGeofenceDelegate(self) |
For more info on Geofence feature, refer to this doc
From SDK version 8.2.0
, we have updated methods related to InApp.Refer to the table below to use the updated one.
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
MOInApp.sharedInstance().show() |
MOInApp.sharedInstance().showCampaign() |
MOInApp.sharedInstance().inAppDelegate = self; |
MOInApp.sharedInstance().setInAppDelegate(self) |
For more info on InApp feature, refer to this doc
From SDK version 8.0.0
, we have updated methods related to Cards.Refer to the table below to use the updated one.
SDK Version 7.0.0 | SDK Version 8.2.0 |
MoEngageCards.sharedInstance.pushCardsViewController (toNavigationController: self.navigationController!) |
MOCards.sharedInstance.pushCardsViewController (toNavigationController: self.navigationController!) |
MoEngageCards.sharedInstance.presentCardsViewController() |
MOCards.sharedInstance.presentCardsViewController() |
MoEngageCards.sharedInstance.getCardsViewController() |
MOCards.sharedInstance.getCardsViewController(withUIConfiguration: nil, withCardsViewControllerDelegate: self, forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { cardsController in print("fetched CardsController") } |
MoEngageCards.sharedInstance.getNewCardsCount() |
MOCards.sharedInstance.getNewCardsCount(forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID", withCompletionBlock: { count, accountMeta in print("Card count is \(count)") }) |
MoEngageCards.sharedInstance.getUnclickedCardsCount() |
MOCards.sharedInstance.getUnclickedCardsCount(forAppID: "YOUR Workspace ID") { count, accountMeta in print("UnClicked Card count is \(count)") } |
MoEngageCards.sharedInstance.cardsDelegate = delegate |
MOCards.sharedInstance.setCardsDelegate(delegate: self) |
For more info on Cards feature, refer to this doc.