In-App NATIV Campaigns target your users by showing a message while the user is using your app. They are very effective in providing contextual information and help to cross-sell/up-sell on desired screens of your app or/and on desired actions performed by the user in your app.


Installing Android Dependency

Add the following dependency to the mainTemplate.gradle file.

dependencies {

replace $sdkVersion with the appropriate SDK version


Requirements for displaying images and GIFs in InApp


Starting InApp version 7.0.0, SDK requires Glide to show images and GIFs in the in-apps. You need to add the below dependency in your mainTemplate.gradle file.

dependencies {

Display In-App

Call the below API to show an in-app message on a screen.

using MoEngage;

Self Handled In-Apps

Self Handled In-Apps are messages that are delivered by the SDK but showing has to be done by the App.
To show In-Apps call the below method.

using MoEngage;

The payload for self-handled in-app is returned via a callback. Register a callback as shown below.

using MoEngage;
// register a callback
MoEGameObject.InAppSelfHandled += InAppSelfHandledCallback;

public void InAppSelfHandledCallback(object sender, InAppSelfHandledCampaignData inAppData) {
         /// process the selfhandled payload here
         string selfHandledPayload = inAppData.selfHandled.payload;

Tracking Statistics

Since display, click, and dismiss for Self-Handled InApp is controlled by the application we need you to notify the SDK whenever the In-App is Shown, Clicked, or Dismissed. Below are the methods you need to call to notify the SDK. The InAppSelfHandledCampaignData object provided to the application in the callback for self-handled in-app should be passed in as a parameter to the below APIs.

// call whenever in-app is shown
// call whenever in-app is clicked
 // call whenever in-app is dismissed

InApp Callbacks

SDK provides callbacks to the client application whenever is shown, dismissed or clicked(only if there is a navigation action or custom action associated with the widget).
Use the below callbacks to get notified for the above cases

InApp Shown

using MoEngage;
// register a callback
MoEGameObject.InAppShown += InAppShownCallback;

public void InAppShownCallback(object sender, InAppData inappData){
    Debug.Log(TAG + " InAppShownCallback() : ");

InApp Clicked

using MoEngage;
// register a callback
MoEGameObject.InAppClicked += InAppClickedCallback;

public void InAppClickedCallback(object sender, InAppClickData inAppData)
Debug.Log(TAG + " InAppClickedCallback() : "); }

InApp Custom Action

using MoEngage;
// register a callback
MoEGameObject.InAppCustomAction += InAppCustomActionCallback;

public void InAppCustomActionCallback(object sender, InAppClickData inAppData)
  // key value pairs for custom aciton. 
  IDictionary<string, object> keyValuePairs = ((CustomAction) inAppData.action).keyValuePairs;
Debug.Log(TAG + " InAppCustomActionCallback() : keyValuePairs: " + keyValuePairs.ToString()); }

InApp Dismissed

using MoEngage;
// register a callback
MoEGameObject.InAppDismissed += InAppDismissedCallback;

public void InAppDismissedCallback(object sender, InAppData inAppData)
Debug.Log(TAG + " InAppDismissedCallback() : "); }

InApp Payload

  /// InApp Campaign model
  public class InAppData {
    ///  Account info 
    public AccountMeta accountMeta;

    ///  InApp campaign info 
    public InAppCampaign campaignData;

    ///   Native platform from which the callback was triggered. 
    public Platform platform;
  /// Meta-data related to your MoEngage account.
  public class AccountMeta {
    ///  Account Identifier  
    public string appId;
  /// InApp Campaign Details
  public class InAppCampaign {
    ///  Unique identifier for each campaign. 
    public string campaignId;

    ///  Campaign Name 
    public string campaignName;

    ///  Additional meta data of campaign 
    public InAppCampaignContext campaignContext;
  /// Additonal meta of InAppCampaign
  public class InAppCampaignContext {
    ///  Formatted campaign id 
    public string formattedCampaignId;
  /// InApp model when click action is performed.
  public class InAppClickData {
    ///  Account info 
    public AccountMeta accountMeta;

    ///  InApp campaign info 
    public InAppCampaign campaignData;

    ///   Native platform from which the callback was triggered. 
    public Platform platform;

    ///  Action info 
    public InAppClickAction action;
  /// InApp Navigation action model.Available only in InAppClickedCallback()
  public class NavigationAction: InAppClickAction {
    ///  Navigation action type 
    public ActionType actionType;

    ///  Type of Navigation action.Possible value deep_linking or screen 
    public NavigationType navigationType;
    ///   Deeplink Url or the Screen Name used for the action. 
    public string url;

    ///  Additional Key-Value pairs entered on the MoEngage Platform for navigation action of the campaign
    public IDictionary < string, object > keyValuePairs;

  /// Custom action performed on inapp.Available only in InAppCustomActionCallback()
  public class CustomAction: InAppClickAction {
    /// Custom Action type 
    public ActionType actionType;
    ///  Key-Value Pair entered on the MoEngage Platform during campaign creation. 
    public IDictionary < string, object > keyValuePairs;

/// InApp SelfHandled model. Available on InAppSelfHandledCallback() callback public class InAppSelfHandledCampaignData { /// Account info public AccountMeta accountMeta; /// InApp campaign info public InAppCampaign campaignData; /// Native platform from which the callback was triggered. public Platform platform; /// SelfHandled payload info public SelfHandled selfHandled; } /// SelfHandled Payload information public class SelfHandled { /// Self handled campaign payload. public string payload; /// Interval after which in-app should be dismissed, unit - Seconds public long dismissInterval; /// Should the campaign be dismissed by pressing the back button or using the back gesture. if the value is true campaign should be dismissed on back press. public bool isCancellable; }

Handling Orientation Change



This is only for the Android platform

Starting Unity Plugin version 2.2.0 in-apps are supported in both portrait and landscape modes.
SDK has to be notified when the device orientation changes for SDK to handle in-app displays.

There are two ways to do it:

  1. Add the API call in the Android native part of your app
  2. Call MoEngage plugin's onOrientationChanged()
  3. Add the API call in the Android native part of your app

Notify the SDK when onConfigurationChanged() API callback is received in your UnityPlayerActivity class.

public class SampleUnityPlayerActivity extends UnityPlayerActivity {
     public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
         //API to notify MoEngage SDK

If you don't want to create a custom UnityPlayerActivity, MoEngage SDK on Android comes bundled with MoEUnityPlayerActivity which internally handles the device configuration changes.
This activity needs to be added as an entry point to your app, to do so replace your current entry point with the below code in your AndroidManifest.xml.

<activity android:name="com.moengage.unity.wrapper.MoEUnityPlayerActivity" android:theme="@style/UnityThemeSelector"> 
  <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" /> 
  <meta-data android:name="unityplayer.UnityActivity" android:value="true" /> 

Call the MoEngage plugin's orientation change API

Call the below API to notify SDK of the orientation change.




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