Push Configuration for Android SDK 11.x.x

Configuring your MoEngage Account

  • Ensure you have configured the Firebase application.
  • Ensure you have the FCM server key.
  • Ensure you add the FCM Server Key in the Dashboard --> Settings --> Channel --> Push --> Mobile Push --> Android.
    Ensure you add the keys in both the Test and Live environment.
  • Ensure that you have added the Firebase Messaging dependency in your application's build.gradle file.

Adding metadata for push notification

Metadata regarding the notification is required to show push notifications where the small icon and large icon drawable are mandatory.

For more information about API reference for all the possible options, refer to NotificationConfig.

Use the configureNotificationMetaData() to transfer the configuration to the SDK.

Kotlin Java
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXX")
    .configureNotificationMetaData(NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon, R.color.notiColor, null, true, isBuildingBackStackEnabled = true, isLargeIconDisplayEnabled = true))     

Ensure that the SDK is initialized with the metadata in the onCreate() of the Application class for push notifications to work.


Notification Small Icon Guidelines

The notification small icon should be flat, pictured face on, and must be white on a transparent background.

Configuring Firebase Cloud Messaging

For showing Push notifications, there are two important things:

  1. Registration for Push, i.e. generating push token.
  2. Receiving the Push payload from Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM) service and showing the notification on the device.

The above can either be handled by the application or MoEngage SDK. There is some configuration required based on whether the above-mentioned things are handled by the application or SDK.

Push Registration and Receiving handled by App

By default, MoEngage SDK attempts to register for a push token; since your application is handling push, you need to opt out of SDK's token registration.

How to opt out of MoEngage Registration?

To opt-out of MoEngage's token registration mechanism, disable token registration while configuring FCM in the MoEngage.Builder as described

Kotlin Java
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXX")
    .configureNotificationMetaData(NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon, R.color.notiColor, null, true, isBuildingBackStackEnabled = false, isLargeIconDisplayEnabled = true))

Pass the Push Token To MoEngage SDK

Your application would need to pass the Push Token received from FCM to the MoEngage SDK for the MoEngage platform to send out push notifications to the device.
Use the following API to pass the push token to the MoEngage SDK.

Kotlin Java


Ensure the token is passed to MoEngage SDK whenever the push token is refreshed and on application update. Passing tokens on application updates is important for migration to the MoEngage Platform.

Passing the Push payload to the MoEngage SDK

To pass the push payload to the MoEngage SDK, call the MoEngage API from the onMessageReceived() from the Firebase receiver.
Before passing the payload to the MoEngage SDK, you should check if the payload is from the MoEngage platform using the helper API provided by the SDK.

Kotlin Java
if (MoEPushHelper.getInstance().isFromMoEngagePlatform(remoteMessage.data)){
    MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().passPushPayload(applicationContext, remoteMessage.data)
    // your app's business logic to show notification

Push Registration and Receiving handled by SDK



When using the SDK version 11.3.00 or higher, and SDK token registration is handled by the SDK use firebase-messaging 22.0.0 Or higher.

Add the following code to the manifest file:

<service android:name="com.moengage.firebase.MoEFireBaseMessagingService">
      <action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />

When MoEngage SDK handles push registration, it optionally provides a callback to the Application whenever a new token is registered or the token is refreshed.

An application can get this callback by implementing FirebaseEventListener and registering for a callback in the Application class onCreate() using MoEFireBaseHelper.getInstance().addEventListener()

For more about the listener, refer to the API reference.



  1. Version Check - MoEngage SDK (version 9.2.00 and later) is compiled with Firebase version 17.3.2; ensure that the client app uses Firebase version 17.3.2. However, we do support Firebase versions 17.1.0 and lower, provided your application needs to handle the token registration mechanism.
  2. At any point, your application manifest file should have only one service with intent filter com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT. If there is more than one service, only the first service will receive the callback, and MoEngage SDK might never receive the Push Payload resulting in poor delivery rates.

Registration using Sender-id

In case you want to register for push via Sender id instead of the default config in the google-services.json you need to pass the sender-id to the SDK in the FcmConfig object while initializing the SDK and add the firebase-iid dependency in your app's build.gradle file.

Kotlin Java
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXX")
    .configureNotificationMetaData(NotificationConfig(R.drawable.small_icon, R.drawable.large_icon, R.color.notiColor, null, true, isBuildingBackStackEnabled = false, isLargeIconDisplayEnabled = true))
    .configureFcm(FcmConfig(true, "<sender_id>"))

Registration using Instance-Id has been deprecated by Google, and support is removed from MoEngage in the future version.



At any point, your application's manifest should have only one service with intent filter com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT. If there is more than one service, only the first service will receive the callback, and MoEngage SDK might never receive the Push Payload resulting in poor delivery rates.

Rich Landing

A rich landing page can be used to open a web URL inside the app via a push notification/in-app/card campaign.
To use a rich landing page, you need to add the below code to the AndroidManifest.xml

  android:parentActivityName="[PARENT_ACTIVITY_NAME]" >
Parameter Description

Replace with the name that you want to appear on your rich landing page.


Replace with the parent activity name that you want.





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