Fetch Recommendations Results for a User

This API lets you fetch/retrieve the metadata results of any recommendations for a user based on their user ID and item ID.

API Endpoint

Method: POST

API Endpoint

Each customer is hosted on a different data center; you can find your data center number (value of X) by checking the data center and API endpoint mapping page.

Path Parameters

Key Sample Values Description
recommendations_id a1b2c3...
  • This parameter indicates the recommendation ID. 
  • You can obtain the recommendation_id from the recommendation you created on the recommendation page.


The API request will be authenticated through Basic Authentication. Basic Authentication sends a Base64-encoded string containing your username and password with every API request. It encodes a 'username: password' string in Base64 and appends the encoded string with 'Basic '. This string is included in the authorization header as shown below:

{"Authorization": "Basic Base64_ENCODED_APPKEY_APIKEY"}

You can obtain the username and password details from the MoEngage Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Account > APIs.
  2. Copy the following details:
    • Username: Under Workspace ID (earlier App ID), click the copy icon to copy the username.
    • Password: In the API keys section, click the copy icon in the Campaign report/Business events/Custom templates/Catalog API tile to copy the API key.
    • Use these details to authenticate the API requests.

Request Headers

Key Required Sample Values Description
MOE-APPKEY Required {“MOE-APPKEY”: “Workspace ID”}

This is the workspace ID (earlier APP ID) of your MoEngage workspace. The MOE-APPKEY has to be passed in the request. You can find your MoEngage Workspace ID in the MoEngage Dashboard:

Settings > Account > APIs > Workspace ID (earlier app id)

For more information, refer to Authentication.

  • user_action
  • item_attribute
  • similar_item
  • frequently_viewed_together
  • frequently_bought_together
  • trending_item
  • user_personalization

It represents the type of recommendations from which the results are fetched.

Content-Type Optional {"Content-Type": "application/json"}

Set the Content-Type header to application/json.

Authorization Required {"Authorization": "Basic Base64_ENCODED_APPKEY_APIKEY"}

This authentication parameter, used for access control, must be passed in the request. For more information on generating the authentication header, refer to Authentication.

Request Body

Key Required Values Description
user_id Required String A user ID is a unique identifier that represents a user. You can obtain the user_id from the user info page. For more information, refer to User Identity Management.
item_id Optional String

An item_id is a unique identifier assigned to each item in the catalog.

If the RECOMMENDATION-TYPE is any of the similar_item, frequently_viewed_together, or frequently_bought_together, you must provide the item_id.

This item_id acts as the anchor to serve recommended items based on the RECOMMENDATION-TYPE.

We expect the user's most recently interacted item_id to serve contextually recommended items.

include_fields Optional Array of strings

You can define the attributes of items you require from the catalog in the recommendation response. For example, title, price, link, image_link, and so on.

If the attributes above are not defined, all item attributes in the catalog will be included in the response. The response size may increase depending on the number of attributes in the catalog. Therefore, it is recommended that only the necessary attributes be specified.


Status Key Data Type Description


JSON Object

This status indicates the request has been processed successfully without errors. For more information, refer to Items.

Failure error-code string

Each error code is unique and serves as a shorthand representation for the type of error. It provides a quick reference that can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem based on a predefined set of error conditions.

message string With the error code, a detailed message is also provided in the response describing the specifics of the request failure and the nature of the error.

Refer to the Sample Response section for examples


The items JSON object contains the key-value pairs of all the requested attributes. For example:

Metrics Data Type Description
item_id String

This field shows the ID of the item.

image_link String

This field shows a link to the image.

link String

This field shows a link to the item.

title String This field shows the title of the item.

Response Codes

Status Code Request State Description



Indicates that the request is successful and a recommendation is fetched.


Bad request

Possible issues include a recommendation, the user does not exist, or the wrong format provided.



Your request is unauthorized. Verify your credentials and try again.


Request entity too large

The request body can be large in terms of size (bytes) or length of items.


Too Many Requests

There won't be any response body for this request.


Internal server error

This response is returned when the system runs into an unexpected error.

Rate Limit

You can fetch 10,000 recommendations per minute.

Note: The maximum size of the payload is 1 MB.

Sample cURL Request

curl --location 'https://api-0X.moengage.com/v1/recommendations/{recommendation_id}/items' \
--header 'MOE-APPKEY: {{Workspace_ID or APP_ID}}' \
--header 'RECOMMENDATION-TYPE: frequently_viewed_together' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{Authorization_Key}}' \
--data '{
  "user_id": "{{user_id}}",
  "item_id": "Y_1",
  "include_fields": [

Sample Response

200 400 401 413 429 500
    "items": [
            "catalog_id": {{catalog_id}},
            "feed_id": "{{feed_id}}",
            "title": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "link": "https://link.in/",
            "image_link": "https://link.in/",
            "price_currency": "USD",
            "creation_date": "2024-05-10T07:03:00.180000",
            "last_updated": "2024-05-10T07:03:00.180000",
            "product_id": "string",
            "price": double,
            "date": "2022-04-05T00:00:00"

Postman Collections

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