File Import Status


The file import status API helps to fetch the processing status at both import and file levels. This helps in proactively tracking the status of the Imports and the Files in an import without navigating to the MoEngage dashboard. The following APIs allow you to fulfill this use case:

Use Cases

  • The ability to fetch the processing status of all imports for a given date range without navigating to the MoEngage dashboard.
  • The ability to proactively alert about failures in automated campaigns. For example, if an automated campaign must run using the updated list of users ingested into MoEngage through the import option, but if the import fails for any reason, it may impact the reachability of your campaigns. Typically, you become aware of import failure only when navigating to the MoEngage dashboard or when you receive an email alert. However, with this API, you can track the status proactively even before the campaign is impacted.

Import Details API

This API fetches the status at an import level. It can fetch the status of multiple imports but not the status of the files within the import.

API Endpoint

POST https://fileimports-data-api-{{0X}}

The 'X' in the API Endpoint URL refers to the MoEngage Data Center (DC). MoEngage maintains different data centres for different clients. You can find your DC number (value of X) and replace the value of 'X' in the URL by referring to the DC and API endpoint mapping here.




The APP_ID for your MoEngage account is available on the MoEngage dashboard. We've revamped our settings UI; you can find the APP_ID in the following navigations in the revamped and old UIs:

Revamped UI: Settings > Account > APIs / API keys > Workspace ID
Old UI: Settings > App Settings > Account Settings > APP ID


The API request will be authenticated through Basic Authentication. Basic Authentication sends a Base64-encoded string containing your username and password with every API request. It encodes a 'username: password' string in Base64 and appends the encoded string with 'Basic '. This string is included in the authorization header as shown below:

{"Authorization: Basic Base64_ENCODED_APPKEY_APIKEY=="}

The username and password details can be obtained from the MoEngage dashboard. We've revamped the settings in the dashboard UI. If you're using the API for the first time, follow these steps for the revamped and old UIs:

Revamped UI

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Account -> APIs.
  2. Click Generate Key in the Data tile in the API Keys section, and click  Save.
  3. Use the Workspace ID as the username and the Data API Key as the password to generate the authentication header.

Old UI

  1. Navigate to Settings -> APIs -> DATA API Settings.
  2. Click Generate Key.
  3. Click Save on the Data APIs settings section.
  4. Use the DATA API ID as the username and the DATA API KEY as the password to generate the authentication header.

Request Headers

Key Mandatory/Optional Sample Values Description



{"Content-Type": "application/json"}

Set the Content-Type header to application/json.



{"Authorization": "Basic bmF2ZWVuab mhDFhjdlbmdhZ2U=="}

This authentication parameter, used for access control, must be passed with the request. For more information on generating the authentication header, refer to Authentication.



{“MOE-APPKEY”: “Workspace ID”}

This is the workspace ID (earlier APP ID) of your MoEngage workspace. The MOE-APPKEY has to be passed in the request. You can find your MoEngage Workspace ID in the MoEngage dashboard:

Settings -> Account -> APIs -> Workspace ID (earlier app id)

For more information, refer to Authentication.

Request Body

The following sample request body describes fetching the import status for a given date range.

    "import_type": [
    "date": {
        "start_date": "14/11/2024",
        "end_date": "14/11/2024",
        "format": "DD/MM/YYYY"
    "schedule_type": [
    "file_source": [
    "schedule_status": [
"import_name": "{{import_name_of_the_respective_import}}" "offset": "1" }

Request Body Fields

Key Datatype Mandatory Description
import_type String No

This field denotes the type of data to be imported. Supported values are:

date Datetime No

This field denotes the details of the import date. Supported values are:

  • start_date
  • end_date
  • format

If this field is not passed, the API will respond with the Import details for the last 7 days.

Supported date time formats are:

  • "datetime_format": "YYYY-MM-DD"2022-01-22
  • "datetime_format": "YYYY/MM/DD"2022/01/22
  • "datetime_format": "DD/MM/YYYY"22/01/2022
  • "datetime_format": "DD-MM-YYYY"22-01-2022
  • "datetime_format": "DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss"31-12-2022 12:10:33
  • "datetime_format": "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss"31/12/2022 12:10:33
  • "datetime_format": "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"2019-02-22 17:54:14
  • "datetime_format": "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss"2019/02/22 17:54:14
schedule_type String No

This field denotes the type of import schedule. Supported values are:

file_source String No

This field denotes the file source of the import. Supported values are:

  • SFTP
  • S3
  • CSV
schedule_status String No

This field denotes the import schedule status. Supported values are:

  • PARTIAL_SUCCESS (shown when all rows in the files are not processed successfully)
  • QUEUED (shows when the import is queued to be processed next)
  • ARCHIVED (shows when the import is archived)
offset String No

API responds with a maximum of 50 import details in a single response. 

For example, if there are 150 imports in total, and they are part of the API response, then:

  • Offset = 1 would fetch the details of the first 50 imports
  • Offset = 2 would fetch the details of the next 50 imports
  • Offset = 3 would fetch the details of the last 50 imports

If offset is not passed in the request body, the API response will consider offset = 1.

You can refer to the total_count parameter in the response to determine the total number of files in the response. OR

If the API responds with more_files = true, it indicates that there are more files that are not part of the current response, for which another API request must be made with offset +1.


Key Datatype Description
status string This field denotes the API Response status.
total_count integer This field denotes the total count of the imports in the response
data JSON object This field contains the import data details. For more information, refer to Data.
offset string

This field denotes the pagination value of the imports. For example, if there are 100 imports to be fetched in the response, then:

  • Offset = 1 will return the first 50 imports
  • Offset = 2 will return the next 50 import details
more_files string

This field indicates if there are more files. For example, if there are 100 imports and offset = 1, 50 imports will be returned with more_file = true to indicate that offset = 2 must be passed to get the next 50 imports.


The data JSON object contains the following information:

Key Datatype Description
import_id string This field denotes the unique ID of the import.
import_name string This field denotes the unique name of the import.
last_run_status string This field denotes the latest sync status of the import.
import_type string

This field denotes the import type. Supported values are:

schedule_type string

This field denotes the schedule type. Supported values are:

import_source string

This field denotes the source of import. Supported values are:

  • S3
  • SFTP
  • CSV
custom_segment_config string

This field contains details about the custom segment. For more information, refer to Custom Segment Configuration.

aux_data_config JSON object This field contains details about the auxiliary data. For more information, refer to Auxiliary Data Configuration.
total_files int This field denotes the total number of files in the import.


This field denotes the total number of processed files in the import.
total_rows int This field denotes the total number of rows across all files.
processed_rows int This field denotes the total number of processed rows across all files.
created_at int This field denotes the date at which the import is created.
last_run_at datetime This field denotes the date on which the import was last run.
next_scheduled_at datetime This field denotes the date on which the import is next scheduled.
created_by_email string This field denotes the email ID of the team member who created the import.
status string This field denotes the import status.
time_zone string This field denotes the timezone of the workspace.

Custom Segment Configuration

The custom-segment _config JSON object contains the following information:

Key Datatype Description
id string This field denotes the custom segment ID.
name string This field denotes the unique name of the custom event.
type string This field denotes the type of custom segment.
user_id_column string This field denotes the attribute selected as the identifier.

Auxiliary Data Configuration

The aux_data _config JSON object contains the following information:

Key Datatype Description
primary_key string This field denotes the attribute used as the auxiliary data import ID.
retention_period int This field denotes the number of days, weeks, and months (to be read with retention_type).
retention_type string

The field denotes retention type. Supported values are:

  • DAYS

Response Codes

200 400 401 404 415 429
    "status": "success",
    "total_count": 2,
    "data": [
            "import_id": "67348ff2e15wwe63bc257d9bf",
            "import_name": "Special",
            "last_run_status": "FAILED",
            "import_type": "AUX_DATA",
            "schedule_type": "ONETIME",
            "import_source": "S3",
            "custom_segment_config": {},
            "aux_data_config": {
                "primary_key": "Email",
                "retention_period": 15,
                "retention_type": "DAYS"
            "total_files": 0,
            "processed_files": 0,
            "total_rows": 0,
            "processed_rows": 0,
            "created_at": "2024-11-13T17:09:30.635000",
            "last_run_at": "2024-11-13T17:09:32.024000",
            "next_scheduled_at": "2024-11-13T11:39:30.619000",
            "created_by_email": "",
            "status": "FAILED",
            "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta"
            "import_id": "67348f4a55f435b54f109i9",
            "import_name": "Duplicate_special",
            "last_run_status": "FAILED",
            "import_type": "AUX_DATA",
            "schedule_type": "ONETIME",
            "import_source": "S3",
            "custom_segment_config": {},
            "aux_data_config": {
                "primary_key": "Email",
                "retention_period": 15,
                "retention_type": "DAYS"
            "total_files": 0,
            "processed_files": 0,
            "total_rows": 0,
            "processed_rows": 0,
            "created_at": "2024-11-13T17:06:42.722000",
            "last_run_at": "2024-11-13T17:06:44.182000",
            "next_scheduled_at": "2024-11-13T11:36:42.697000",
            "created_by_email": "",
            "status": "FAILED",
            "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta"
    "offset": 1,
    "more_files": false

Sample cURL

The following sample cURL has all the filters passed in the API body.

curl --location '' \
--header 'MOE-APPKEY: {{Workspace_ID or APP_ID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{Authorization_Key}}' \
--data '{
"import_name": "test_import", "import_type": [ "USERS", "EVENTS", "AUX_DATA" ], "date": { "start_date": "14/11/2024", "end_date": "14/11/2024", "format": "DD/MM/YYYY" }, "schedule_type": [ "PERIODIC", "ONETIME" ], "file_source": [ "SFTP", "S3", "CSV" ], "schedule_status": [ "SUCCESSFUL", "FAILED", "PARTIAL_SUCCESS", "SCHEDULED", "PROCESSING", "QUEUED", "ARCHIVED" ], "offset": "1" }'

The following sample cURL has no filters passed in the API body. Note that the API response fetches all import details processed in the last 7 days.

curl --location '' \
--header 'MOE-APPKEY: {{Workspace_ID or APP_ID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{Authorization_Key}}' \
--data '{

Rate Limits

You can create 50 requests per minute.

Postman Collections

We have made it easy for you to test the APIs. Click here to view it in Postman.

Import File Run History API

This API fetches the file processing status of each file contained in an import. The API request must contain either the import _name or the import_id. If you are not sure of the import-id or the import_name, you can use the Import Details API to get the import details, which can be further used in the Import File Run History API.

API Endpoint

POST https://fileimports-data-api-{{0X}}

The 'X' in the API Endpoint URL refers to the MoEngage Data Center (DC). MoEngage maintains different data centres for different clients. You can find your DC number (value of X) and replace the value of 'X' in the URL by referring to the DC and API endpoint mapping here.




The APP_ID for your MoEngage account is available on the MoEngage dashboard. We've revamped our settings UI; you can find the APP_ID in the following navigations in the revamped and old UIs:

Revamped UI: Settings > Account > APIs/API keys > Workspace ID
Old UI: Settings > App Settings > Account Settings > APP ID


The API request will be authenticated through Basic Authentication. Basic Authentication sends a Base64-encoded string containing your username and password with every API request. It encodes a 'username: password' string in Base64 and appends the encoded string with 'Basic '. This string is included in the authorization header as shown below:

{"Authorization: Basic Base64_ENCODED_APPKEY_APIKEY=="}

The username and password details can be obtained from the MoEngage dashboard. We've revamped the settings in the dashboard UI. If you're using the API for the first time, follow these steps for the revamped and old UIs:

Revamped UI

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Account -> APIs.
  2. Click Generate Key in the Data tile in the API Keys section, and click Save.
  3. Use the Workspace ID as the username and the Data API Key as the password to generate the authentication header.

Old UI

  1. Navigate to Settings -> APIs -> DATA API Settings.
  2. Click Generate Key.
  3. Click Save on the Data APIs settings section.
  4. Use the DATA API ID as the username and the DATA API KEY as the password to generate the authentication header.

Request Headers

Key Mandatory/Optional Sample Values Description



{"Content-Type": "application/json"}

Set the Content-Type header to application/json.



{"Authorization": "Basic bmF2ZWVuab mhDFhjdlbmdhZ2U=="}

This authentication parameter, used for access control, must be passed with the request. For more information on generating the authentication header, refer to Authentication.




{“MOE-APPKEY”: “Workspace ID”}

This is the workspace ID (earlier APP ID) of your MoEngage workspace. The MOE-APPKEY has to be passed in the request. You can find your MoEngage Workspace ID in the MoEngage dashboard:

Settings -> Account -> APIs -> Workspace ID (earlier app id)

For more information, refer to Authentication.


Request Body

The following sample request body describes fetching the import status of files contained in an import named test_import.

    "import_id": "6735a04adba6bce02e720550",
    "created_at" : "2024-11-14T12:31:30.940000",
    "import_name": "test_import",
    "file_status": [
    "offset": "1"

Request Body Fields

Key Datatype Mandatory Field Description
import_id String Yes

The unique identifier is used to identify the import. You can find this on the Data Imports page of the MoEngage dashboard. Data > Data Imports > Click the ellipsis icon for an import > View.

The import_id or the import_name must be passed.

import_name String Yes 

This field denotes the name of the import.

The import_id or import_name has to be passed. If both are passed, import_id takes precedence.

date Datetime No

This field denotes the file processing date. Supported values are:

  • start_date
  • end_date
  • format

If this field is not passed, the API will respond with details of all the files corresponding to the import_id / import_name passed and in accordance to the offset and limit values.

Supported date time formats are:

  • "datetime_format": "YYYY-MM-DD"2022-01-22
  • "datetime_format": "YYYY/MM/DD"2022/01/22
  • "datetime_format": "DD/MM/YYYY"22/01/2022
  • "datetime_format": "DD-MM-YYYY"22-01-2022
  • "datetime_format": "DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss"31-12-2022 12:10:33
  • "datetime_format": "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss"31/12/2022 12:10:33
  • "datetime_format": "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"2019-02-22 17:54:14
  • "datetime_format": "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss"2019/02/22 17:54:14
file_status String No This field denotes the status of files contained in an import. Supported values are:
offset String No

API responds with a maximum of 50 file details in a single response.

For example, if there are a total of 150 files that are part of the API response, then:

  • Offset = 1 will fetch the details of the first 50 files
  • Offset = 2 will fetch the file details of the next 50 imports
  • Offset = 3 will fetch the import details of the last 50 imports

If offset is not passed in the request body, the API response will consider offset = 1.

You can refer to the total_count parameter in the response to understand how many total files are part of the response. OR

If the API responds with more_files = true, it indicates that there are more files that are not part of the current response for which another API request must be made with offset +1.


Key Datatype Description
status string This field denotes the status of the API response.
total_count integer This field denotes the total count of the files fetched based on the API request.
data JSON object This field contains the file data details. For more information, refer to Data.
offset string

This field denotes the pagination value of the imports. For example, if there are 100 imports to be fetched in the response:

  • Offset = 1 will return the first 50 imports
  • Offset = 2 will return the next 50 import details
more_files string

This field indicates if there are more files. For example, if there are 100 imports and offset = 1, 50 imports will be returned with more_file = true to indicate that offset = 2 must be passed to get the next 50 imports.


The data JSON object contains the following information:

Key Datatype Description
id string This field denotes the unique ID of the file.
file_name string This field denotes the name of the file.
scheduled_at datetime This field denotes the time at which the file is scheduled.
completed_at datetime This field denotes the time at which the file is completed.
type string

This field denotes the file type. Supported values are:

file_size integer This field denotes the file size in terms of the number of rows in the file.
file_status string

This field denotes the file status. Supported values are:

status_msg string This field denotes the error message in case of failure or partial failure.
total_rows integer This field denotes the total number of rows in the file.
skipped_rows integer This field denotes the skipped number of rows in the file.
updated_rows integer This field denotes the updated number of rows in the file.
failed_rows integer This field denotes the number of rows in the file that failed to process.
aux_data_added_count integer This field denotes the number of rows added as auxiliary data. This is applicable to auxiliary data.
aux_data_failed_count integer This field denotes the number of rows that failed to process. This is applicable to auxiliary data.
added_rows integer This field denotes the total number of rows added from the file.

Response Codes

200 400 401 404 415 429 
    "status": "success",
    "total_count": 1,
    "data": [
            "id": "672561rr0abd2da34cf7f7df",
            "file_name": "filename.csv",
            "scheduled_at": "2024-11-14T12:31:31.713000",
            "completed_at": "2024-11-14T12:32:09.942000",
            "type": "AUX_DATA",
            "file_size": "1544",
            "file_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "status_msg": "",
            "total_rows": 10,
            "skipped_rows": 0,
            "updated_rows": 0,
            "failed_rows": 0,
            "aux_data_added_count": 10,
            "aux_data_failed_count": 0,
            "added_rows": 10
    "offset": 1,
    "more_files": false

Sample cURL

The following sample cURL has import_name and import_id, which are passed in the API body. Note that it is mandatory to pass the import_name or the import_id to the API body.

curl --location '' \
--header 'MOE-APPKEY: {{Workspace_ID or APP_ID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{Authorization_Key}}' \
--data '{
    "import_id": "6735a04adba6bce02e720550",
    "import_name": "test_import",
    "file_status": [
    "offset": "1"

Rate Limits

You can create 50 requests per minute.

Postman Collections

We have made it easy for you to test the APIs. Click here to view it in Postman.



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