Push Callback 8.2.0 and Above

Callback in JavaScript on Notification Click

To get a callback in javascript on notification click you need to register for a click listener as shown below.

Minimum Plugin version required : 3.0.0

var moe = MoECordova.init(YOUR_APP_ID);
moe.on('onPushClick', function(payloadInfo) {
    //add logic here


NotificationPayload received in the callback onPushClick will have the following structure:

  "accountMeta": {
    "appId": ""
  "data": {
    "platform": "android/iOS",
    "isDefaultAction": false,
    "clickedAction": {
      "type": "navigation/customAction",
      "payload": {
        "type": "screenName/deepLink/richLanding",
        "value": "",
        "kvPair": {
          "key1": "value1",
          "key2": "value2"
    "payload": {}

accountMeta.appId - The appID of MoEngage.
data.platform - Native platform from which callback is triggered. Possible values - androidios
data.isDefaultAction - This key is present only for the Android Platform. It's a boolean value indicating if the user clicked on the default content or not. true if the user clicks on the default content else false.
data.clickedAction - Action to be performed on notification click.
data.clickedAction.type - Type of click action. Possible values navigation and customAction. Currently, customAction is supported only on Android.
data.clickAction.payload - Action payload for the clicked action.
data.clickedAction.payload.type - Type of navigation action defined. Possible values screenNamedeepLinkrichLanding. Currently, in the case of iOS, richlanding and deep-link URL are processed internally by the SDK and not passed in this callback therefore possible value in case of iOS is only screenName.
data.clickAction.payload.value - value entered for navigation action or custom payload.
data.clickAction.payload.kvPair - Custom key-value pair entered on the MoEngage Platform.
data.payload - Complete campaign payload.

Android Payload

If the user clicks on the default content of the notification the key-value pair and campaign payload can be found inside the payload key. If the user clicks on the action button or a push template action the action payload would be found inside clickedAction.
You can use the isDefaultAction key to check whether the user clicked on the default content or not and then parse the payload accordingly.

iOS Payload

In the case of iOS, you would always receive the key-value pairs with respect to clicked action in clickedAction key. Refer to this link for knowing the iOS notification payload structure.



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