Tracking User Attributes 3.x.x

User Attributes are pieces of information you know about a user which could be demographics like age or gender, account-specific like plan, or even things like whether a user has seen a particular A/B test variation. It's up to you! It is basically a customer identity that you can reference across the customer’s whole lifetime.

Implementing Login/Logout

  • It's important to set the User Attribute Unique ID when a user logs into your app.
  • This is to merge the new user with the existing user, if any exists, and will help prevent creation of unnecessary/stale users.
  • Setting the Unique ID is a critical piece to tie a user across devices and installs/uninstalls as well across all platforms (i.e. iOS, Android, Windows, The Web). Set the USER_ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_ID attribute as soon as the user is logged in. Unique ID can be something like an email ID, a username (unique), or a database ID or any Backend generated ID.
  • Do not set this for the user who not logged in.


import { MoECapacitorCore } from 'capacitor-moengage-core'
MoECapacitorCore.setUniqueId({ uniqueId: "", appId: YOUR Workspace ID });

Note: The following values are not allowed in the UniqueID field: "unknown", "guest", "null", "0", "1", "true", "false", "user_attribute_unique_id", "(empty)", "na", "n/a", "", "dummy_seller_code", "user_id", "id", "customer_id", "uid", "userid", "none", "-2", "-1", "2"


The application needs to notify the MoEngage SDK whenever the user is logged out of the application. To notify the SDK, call the API whenever the user is logged out of the application.

import { MoECapacitorCore } from 'capacitor-moengage-core'
MoECapacitorCore.logoutUser({ appId: YOUR Workspace ID });

In case the application is registering for push token it should pass the new push token to MoEngage SDK after user logout. For more information about passing push tokens, refer to Push Configuration for Android SDK.

Updating User Attribute Unique Id

Use the method setAlias() to update the user attribute unique id instead of setUniqueId() with a different value. Using the method setUniqueId() with a new value creates unintended users in MoEngage.



Please make sure that you use setAlias() for updating the User Attribute Unique ID and not setUniqueId() with a new value will reset the current user and lead to the creation of unintended users in our system.

In a scenario where you have to update the User Attribute Unique ID value for a logged-in user use the method setAlias()as shown below:

import { MoECapacitorCore } from 'capacitor-moengage-core'
MoECapacitorCore.setAlias({ alias: "", appId: YOUR Workspace ID });

Tracking User Attributes

The SDK provides APIs to track commonly tracked user attributes like First Name, Last Name, Email-Id, etc. Please use the provided methods for tracking these attributes.

Reserved keywords for User Attributes

Below is the list of keys that should not be used when tracking user attributes.

  • status


You can not use "moe_" as a prefix while naming events, event attributes, or user attributes. It is a system prefix and using it might result in periodic blacklisting without prior communication.

Use the following helper methods to set User attributes like Name, Email, Mobile, Gender, etc.

import { MoECapacitorCore, MoEProperties, MoEUserGender, MoEAppStatus } from 'capacitor-moengage-core'

MoECapacitorCore.setUserName({ userName: "John Doe", appId: YOUR Workspace ID });
MoECapacitorCore.setFirstName({ firstName: "John", appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });
MoECapacitorCore.setLastName({ lastName: "Doe", appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });
MoECapacitorCore.setEmailId({ emailId: "", appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });
MoECapacitorCore.setMobileNumber({ mobileNumber: "1234567890", appId: YOUR Workspace ID });
MoECapacitorCore.setGender({ gender: MoEUserGender.FEMALE, appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });
MoECapacitorCore.setBirthDate({ birthdate: "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z", appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });
MoECapacitorCore.setUserLocation({ location: { latitude: 25.2311, longitude: 73.1023 }, appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });

For setting other User Attributes you can use the generic method setUserAttribute(key, value)

To set custom user attributes, you will have to provide the attribute name as shown below:

import { MoECapacitorCore } from 'capacitor-moengage-core'

// For generic user attributes
MoECapacitorCore.setUserAttribute({ name: "Attribute Name", value: "AttributeValue", appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });

// For Time attribute use ISO-8601 format
MoECapacitorCore.setUserAttributeDate({ name: "Date Attribute Name", value: "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z", appId: YOUR Workspace ID  });

// For Location, use MoEGeoLocation instance
MoECapacitorCore.setUserAttributeLocation({ name: "Location Attribute Name", location: { latitude: 25.23, longitude: 73.23 }, appId: YOUR Workspace ID });



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